The First Section of the Provincial Court of Alicante on Tuesday judges Two local police officers of Benidorm accused of humiliating and belittling a trans woman for her sexual identity while they were on service and circulated in a police vehicle. The Prosecutor’s Office provisionally requests for each of the defendants a prison sentence of two years and two months for an alleged crime of hate.
The events occurred on May 1, 2020, during the confinement by the Covid pandemic, and had a strong media impact after the dissemination of a video on social networks, which would have been recorded from inside the police vehicle.
In those images you can see as one of the police, from the passenger seat, he tells a person who walks down the street: «I seriously tell you. During the day you are even more ugly. You are horrible. What do you do now that you can’t pull cock or steal? How do you live? If you used to pull few cocks, with how ugly you are, what are you doing now?
«I told you the other day and I didn’t report you. You cannot be here, ”he says, while his partner – who drives the car and allegedly records the video – adds:” No, no, you have to report it. ” “Let yourself go, pork,” the other police officer snapped to the victim. Both agents were temporarily suspended by the City of Benidorm and one of them became arrested.
According to the prosecutor’s story, one of the defendants would have recorded the scene with his phone and then send the video to his partner who, in turn, he forward the WhatsApp group of co -workers. In addition, one of them uploaded the images to YouTube.
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