The pelvic soil dysfunctions Once menopause arrives once in one of the first reasons for gynecological consultation in Spain. Medium -age women begin to experience the consequences of the absence of menstruation and seek in professionals solutions to problems that They significantly impact their life according to studies. Pelvic weakness, vaginal dryness, atrophy and urine losses and even The prolapsses become the main discomfort from the age of 50. On this occasion we will deal with one of the most severe conditions that a woman can present after menopause: The cystocele.
What is a cystocele?

A cystocele, also known as anterior vaginal prolapse or bladder prolapse It is a medical condition that occurs when the bladder falls from its position and Push the vagina outwards, According to Mayo Clinic.
The most common symptoms They also collect from the medical portal are those of sensation of heaviness or pelvic pressure, more severe if you cough or bends down. However, it is also possible to notice and see a lump in the vaginal tissue or have difficulty urinating, such as incomplete bladder emptying, urine loss or having an intermittent urine jet.
Why a bladder prolapse occurs

That abdominal and pelvic organs such as intestines, bladder or uterus remain in place depends largely on muscles, ligaments and other connective tissueswhich as a whole are called pelvic floor. If this is weakensfastening begins to let go, CAyendo the organs by their own weight and thus exerting a pressure in the intimate area of women.
Although the passage of time is one of the causes of this weakening, pelvic muscles can also lose your muscular tone due trauma or very prolonged efforts. One of the clearest examples would be vaginal delivery, but also obesity, effort in defecations (especially in women with constipation) or chronic cough.
As they point out from the National Health Institute of the United States, professionals classify a cystocele in degrees according to the level of affectation.
- Grade 1: It is the slightest way, it does not need surgical intervention.
- Grade 2: The problem tends to be more moderate, since the descent already reaches vaginal opening.
- Grade 3: It is the serious situation, since the bladder and/or vaginal wall goes outside the body.
Can a cystocele improve or revert?

It depends on the degree presented by the woman, the cystocele can be treated in different ways. In the more severe cases and provided that health conditions or personal preferences allow it, professionals recommend go through a surgical treatment.
However, in those in which The problem becomes asymptomatic or very slightit is better that women do not go through surgical process that, as in any other operation, can have other complications, such as bad healing. Therefore, the physiotherapeutic treatments could be the solution (and also prevention).
The acquaintances Kegel exercises They help strengthen the pelvic floor, so having an optimal muscle tone will make the organs well subject. There are also women who prefer to use A vaginal pessary to sustain the walls of the cavity and avoid the fall of the bladder. The Therapeutic Pilates Exercises Focused to the pelvic floor, such as hypopressive or gluteal bridges, they also contribute to maintaining a broader strengthened area.
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