This person, whose real name is not known, is 22 years old and resides in California. This unit has been in his family's possession since 1987 when they purchased it at Fedco for just $29.87.
That's just over $510 Mexican pesos at the current exchange rate. Although Kiro has sold other items from the past when he wanted to do so with The Legend of Zelda He thought he could earn around $17 to $20 thousand dollars.
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So he put it up for sale on eBay and almost immediately sold it. But messages began to arrive and in one they offered him up to $30 thousand dollars. So he decided to cancel the sale, since it was clear that he had something special on his hands.
The same night he did that he got a call from a collector who told him that his copy of The Legend of Zelda It was incredibly rare. The reason is that it belongs to the first shipment manufactured by Nintendo.
The fact that it was new and sealed increased its value. The last copy in that state that went on sale did so for $705 thousand dollars, around $12 million 052 thousand 539 Mexican pesos. It's a very high price for a game.
The collector offered to put Kiro in touch with a valuation service and auction house specialized in video games.
Two weeks passed and he finally managed to contact Heritage Auctions, who will be in charge of handling the auction of this copy of The Legend of Zelda.
According to what was revealed, this process began on February 23 or 24, but the exact price is not known or if by chance it is already available. All that remains is to wait.
With details from CNBC. Apart from The Legend of Zelda We have more information about video games at TierraGamer. Follow our news on Google news so as not to miss any.
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