WhatsApp mass forums are as much successful as a danger and in a school in Seville, the Menéndez Pidal de Torreblanca, One of the poorest neighborhoods in Spain, just checked. The messages in which some teachers made fun of certain students, … Filled, apparently, by an employee, discontent for parents’ phones, have caused an earthquake of unpredictable proportions that, for the moment, has charged the head of the director and the head of studies, to which the Ministry of Education has suspended from employment and salary. The Educational Administration has also opened a disciplinary file to three other teachers from Menéndez Pidal for «Expressions gravely disrespectful and vexatious against students ».
The complaint of these facts started from Fakali (Federation of Gypsy Women Associations) and arrived on February 14, Valentine’s Day, the Delegation of the Ministry of Education in Seville. The provincial delegate commissioned an investigation to the educational inspection that a few days later visited the school and interviewed its director, the head of studies and some teachers. After these interviews and check the authenticity of written messages In the internal forum of the teachers, he opened disciplinary files to five of them.
Education sources confirm that the director made his position at the disposal of the delegate and that his cessation was decided. It was also dismissed to Head of Studies, who has been suspended from employment and salary (the suspension It could reach a maximum of 6 months), and three other teachers supposedly involved in teasing were issued.
An unhappy employee would have been the filtering of those messages to the educational community, according to sources from the Center. This filtration has not only left to the bubsomed and without management team.but it has caused enormous discomfort in the parents of the students, which this Friday concentrated in the doors of the center and increased some professors without, fortunately, severity incidents.
The Delegation of Education has asked Fakali that medie with them to calm the waters, although the dismissal of the director and the head of studies, in addition to the open disciplinary files, should serve as a balm to quell those moods on.
The Federation of Gypsy Women Associations also filed a complaint to the Ombudsman for these messages and the Ministry itself has sent them to the Prosecutor’s Office in case they constitute a crime of hate. He case is, therefore, judicialized, Apart from the administrative decisions taken by the Junta de Andalucía against the authors of the messages.
On its official Facebook page, the Pidal Menéndez is defined as «Public and Andalusian Educational Center for Child and Primary Education (CDA). Diverse and inclusive». It is also part of the Provincial Commission of Learning Communities in which centers with special needs participate. At the end of last January, Raúl Gómez Ferrete, director of the Uralburu College, of Dos Hermanas, located in Cerro Blanco, gave a conference on the “dialogic model of prevention and conflict resolution.”
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