Oil is an authentically scarce resource in Europe, especially if it is excluded ‘politically’ from the continent to Russia, which is the country that has largest crude oil reserves throughout the region. The lack of oil in the subsoil and European seas (it is true that in the North Sea there is raw, but small quantities) make Europe a vulnerable and oil -dependent region that is extracted in a few points of the world. However, there are countries within the old continent that are making important efforts to try to change this story or at least reduce external dependence. This is the case of Hungary, in the heart of Europe, where A new oil discovery has been announced that could increase the production of the country almost immediately.
Hungarian Mol has revealed the discovery of A new oil site near Somogysámsonin western Hungary, an area that is very close to Slovakia and Austria. The Hungarian firm has published this week the hopeful finding, although the operations were carried out a few months ago. Why is the discovery now published? Although the first signs of crude appeared during drilling, the oil industry performs several tests until confirming that the finding is profitable and marketable. That is when a somewhat more exhaustive publication is made. In this way, exploratory drilling was carried out December last year, FEU when oil was found at a depth of 1,250 meters.
According to the results, the well located in the Somogysamson deposit has a production capacity of 1,200 barrels per day. This amount, which in terms of global level is scarce (there are countries that produce millions of barrels every day) is important for a country such as Hungary, which pumps about 22,000 barrels of daily crude daily. But perhaps the most important thing is that oil has been found in an area where they took more than ten years without making a discovery, which has generated some expectation and hope in the local industry.
Zsombor Marton, Executive Vice President of Exploration and Production of the MOL Group, has indicated, according to the statement of the company to which It has had access electionomista.es The following: “I am proud to announce that, after the exploratory successes of recent years, we have discovered a new oil site, this time in the Transdanubio region, where we discover oil for the last time more than a decade ago,” says the manager.
“The fact of having achieved this success in the Bázakeretye concession, with an almost 100 -year oil tradition, clearly demonstrates that there is still potential in the exploration of hydrocarbons in Hungary. We are discovering previously unknown hydrocarbon deposits one after another and further reinforcing the security of the country The east of Hungary, we have reached the maximum national production in five years. “
As a country without coastline, the oil supply is mainly carried out through pipelines and intermediaries, they say from the Hungarian firm. “It is clear that we need Reduce Hungary Dependency of Imports by all available means. We will continue with our investments and do everything possible to maintain and, if possible, increase production, “explains György Bacsa, director of Operations of Mol Hungary.
Drilling and oil finding
The drilling of the new well at the Somogysámson oil site, called Som-8, began on November 25, 2024 and ended at Christmas after 33 days. According to the tests carried out until March 2025, the well has a production capacity of 1,200 barrels of oil per day, which They are transported by truck to the Danube refinery in Százhalombatta.
This new discovery will also contribute to meet the country’s energy needs. Mol has ambitious investment plans in exploration and production. During the next five years, the company plans to invest approximately 150,000 million HUF (about 375 million euros) in the production of oil and natural gas in Hungary.
Mol is the largest producer of Hungary hydrocarbons, with almost 1,300 oil and natural gas wells. In 2024, Mol contributed 47% of crude oil (almost 600,000 tons) and almost 90% of natural gas (almost 1.5 billion m3) of national production. Hungary is the most important country in the Petroleum and Gas Production portfolio of the MOL Group, currently representing approximately 39 % of the total production.
The growth of mol
The oil production of the Som-8 well is around 1,200 barrels per day, which represents approximately 1% of the total production (inside and outside Hungary) of hydrocarbons of the Mol Group. As part of the Mol Group International Portfolio, the company has assets for exploration and production of oil and gas in nine countries, with production in eight of them. In 2024, it produced an average of 93,800 barrels of daily equivalent oil.
To maintain the updated objective of the ‘Shape Tomorrow’ strategy to produce at least 90,000 barrels per day for the next 5 yearsthe company seeks to strengthen its international portfolio and look for new strategic alliances. Therefore, it has recently signed cooperation agreements with the National Petroleum Company of Kazakhstan (Kazmunaygas), the National Petroleum of Azerbaijan (Socar) and the National Petroleum Company of Türkiye (Turkish Petroleum).
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