Son of famous actor arrested on very serious charge
A completely unexpected piece of news has taken the entertainment world by surprise. The latest sources reveal that the son of a very famous actor he was arrested because he allegedly attacked and injured his mother.
Here’s what happened and who we’re talking about.
Actor’s Son Attacks Mother: The Event Is Unexpected
A few hours ago a news to say the least unexpectedly has been branched out into the world of entertainment. The son of a great interpreter of acting would in fact have been committed crime despicable to say the least. The boy was arrested on charges of having attacked the mother.

Obviously, scenes like this cannot go unnoticed, which is why the police arrived at the scene of the crime and promptly arrested the boy. The attack we are talking about occurred on April 28, even though the actual arrest of the culprit took place a few days ago.
The news was not disclosed until the last moment, when the boy apparently decided to hand himself in to the justice spontaneously. We don’t know exactly what happened, but it seems that the boy was in the grip of a nervous breakdown. The mother would then have done everything to calm him down but he, in the grip of anger and despair, would have wound.
Boy Hurts Mother: Who Are We Talking About?

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the boy we are talking about is not just any young man, but the son of a well-known Hollywood actor. His name is Weston Coppola Cagewho is precisely the son of Nicholas Cage.
The boy’s mother instead responds to the name of Christina Fulton. The boy then spontaneously handed himself over to the police but was released after a few hours, as someone had paid a fine. bail of about $150,000.

From what we know, this is not the first time that the young man has had problems with the law. In the past he has already had problems that have to do with the drug and with the alcoholIn some cases he was caught driving while drunk and he also seems to have fallen into thefailure to provide assistanceThe boy’s parents have therefore made it known that they will do everything to protect his mental health.
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