One of the most influential people who have inspired our publications is Bill Gates. Now, thanks to ‘Source Code’, his new autobiography, We can venture more about the technological tycoon to understand their profile that made him reach the business cusp. It is in this new text, where the figure of Paul Allen appears, his partner with whom he ventured into a startup path that were forging the Empire of Microsoft.
Walter Isaacson completely undressed Elon Musk in his last portrait. The most complete biography of Tesla’s tycoon revealed childhood, leadership and “demon mode” of the tycoon to become a leader of the technology and business industry. Now, in a similar milestone, but from its own pen, Bill Gates, another important one of the technological ones, brings to light their most rebellious side and, at the same time, unknown in ‘Source Code’.
“I am pleased to announce my new book. It is a memory about my early years, from childhood to my decision to leave the university and found Microsoft with Paul Allen. I write about the Relationships, lessons and experiences that the foundations of everything that followed in my life laid, “Gates said in his notes blog in the summer of 2024.
That’s how it is ‘Source code’, The new revealing autobiography of the founder of Microsoft that is now available. This is a book that, according to the author himself, will show the milestones of his first years of life where he felt “misfit” and “rebel” with his parents. And where the figure of Paul Allen appearshis faithful childhood friend with whom he formed the empire of one of the most important technology in history.
“In Source Code you will learn how Paul Allen and I realized that the software was going to change the worldand the moment in December 1974 in which he broke into my university bedroom with the number of popular electronics that would inspire us to leave everything and found our company, “Gates details in the official presentation of his new book that appears in his Personal blog.
About this character, Gates counts the First steps that were taking together with Startup ideas which were leading to what Microsoft today is. This is portrained by the philanthropist in an extract of his new book:
“When he didn’t work, Paul lived among magazines, with his floor full of backward numbers of popular electronics, datamation, radio-electronics and specifications of all kinds of computers and their components. It could easily spend an hour leafing through out of town news, The newspaper and kiosk of emblematic magazines in the center of Harvard Square. Entrepreneurship series that Paul proposed that fall… “
The origin of software development by Gates and Allen
Gates has shared on several occasions how with Allen, they devised a series of ventures focused on the microprocessor. In those days, Allen’s vision was ambitious: creating a company that followed the model of Digital Equipment Corporation (Dec)which had revolutionized access to computing by reducing the price of computers. While enjoying long talks in a Polynesian restaurant and ate pizza, they discussed innovative ideas such as the possibility of joining several chips to form a powerful and accessible computer, or establish a shared time service that allowed users to connect and access valuable information.
In this context, according to Gates, Allen proposed the “bit-site” technique, which promised to reduce the costs of IBM Mainframes, but Bill, although intrigued, began to question the viability of entering the risky hardware manufacturing business, remembering its frustrating experience with Traf-O-Data.
While the conversation revolved around the manufacture of computers, Gates realized that his true passion resided in the software. Unlike hardware manufacturing, which required complex logistics and was subject to unpredictable failures, software development offered total control over the result. The idea of writing software, which only demanded time and creativity, resonated strongly in it and Allen. This revelation marked a turning point in their careers and led them to focus on what they knew best to do, thus laying the foundations for what would become one of the world’s largest technological empires: Microsoft.
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