Several scientists from the Biosanitary Research Institute of Granada (ibs.Granada), through a preclinical studyhave shown that certain medications -commonly used for the treatment of high blood pressure- have beneficial effects on intestinal health and the balance of intestinal bacteria.
In particular, the team of researchers headed by Juan Duarte, in collaboration with the Francisco O’Valle group, have analyzed the effects of three antihypertensive drugs widely used clinically (captopril, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide) in rats with genetic hypertension, a condition that mimics hypertension in humans.
“High blood pressure is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases in the worldand its control is essential for the health of millions of people“, he has forcefully revealed Duarte.
In depth
After treatment with captopril and amlodipine, the experts observed that the levels of acetate-producing bacteria were normalized and intestinal barrier health improved, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain.
On the contrary, hydrochlorothiazide, although effective in reduce blood pressure, No produced these additional benefits on intestinal health. And not only that: the role of amlodipine is fundamental in improving communication between the intestine and the brain.
The investigationit should be noted, has recently been financed by the State Research Agency, the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Junta de Andalucíawith the support of funds from the European Union (Feder) and of Carlos III Health Institute.
These findings, as expected, only suggest new opportunities to treat hypertension through an integrated approach that considers all aspects. Yes, we talk both blood pressure regulation and intestinal well-being.
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