This Thursday, March 20 is the International Happiness Daya day held by the United Nations since 2013 to recognize the role that life itself plays in people around the world. On the occasion of this celebration, the World Happiness Report 2025 has been published (World Happyiness Report) prepared by the Gallup Institute. AND Spain descendsagain, several positions with respect to 2024.
When many listen to Finland’s name, the first thing they imagine is a cold country with an excellent education system. However, this Nordic country also holds the happiest nation title in the world, according to this report. In the rest of the ‘top ten’ We find Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Costa Rica, Norway, Israel, Luxembourg and Mexico.
For its part, Spain descends to the 38th place two positions less than last year. The historical analysis indicates that our country occupied its best position in 2012, with the 22nd position.
The United States records its worst brand
USAfor its part, it has registered its worst mark on the list by going down to the Post 24 And after occupying 11 in the year 2011. Among other things, the document indicates that the percentage of people who eat alone in the US in the last two decades has grown by 53%. A fact that stands out because it reflects an individualism contrary to its thesis that sharing brings happiness.
Costa Rica
Increase happiness in Eastern Europe
Some European countries such as Lithuania (16) and Slovenia (19) register important increases. In fact, the countries that have won the most points in the last count They are all in central Europe and the east: Serbia (31), Romania (35), Latvia (51), Bulgaria (85) and Georgia (91). The Netherlands rise to fifth place and next to Norway (7) and Luxembourg (9), complete the group of Europeans in the top 10. Germany, which last year descended until 24, recovers two positions, followed by the United Kingdom (23), Poland (26), France (33), Italy (40), Malta (48) and Portugal (60).
Russiaat war from 2022 with Ukraine, passes from 72 to 66, while Ukraine drops six positions (11); Israel, who continues to bombard Gaza after Hamas attack of October 7, 2023, lowers three positions to the eighth square and Palestine goes from 103 to 108.
These classifications are extracted from an average of three years of the evaluation of the quality of life. They are studied from GDP to life expectancy, the feeling of freedom, the perception of corruption and having someone to count.
According to the United Nations, for the next few years, governments must put greater emphasis on well -being, beyond their conception of sustainable development, an aspect that is already present. Therefore, he asks to become a central axis of policies in the coming years.
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