The repeal in Congress this Wednesday of the decree that included transport aid means that the prices of Cercanías, Rodalies and passes rise from now on to the price they were at in 2022. Specifically, the free nature of Renfe passes declines. –Cercanías, Rodalies, conventional Media Distancia–, as well as the state bus lines. Direct aid to communities and city councils to reduce the price of tickets and multi-trip tickets for urban and metropolitan public transport by at least 50% also ends. Of this latest aid, the State financed 30%, as long as the communities and town councils took care of the rest until reaching that minimum 50% reduction.
Several communities and cities have announced their intention to maintain the bonuses. Some have said that they will do so in the coming days while waiting for the Government to adopt a decision on the processing of an individualized transportation decree.
The Junta de Andalucía will maintain the bonus and “will assume its part of the agreement, with an additional 20% bonus.” But he has demanded from the Government “a solution to contribute its part because there is a commitment made with the citizens and with the autonomous community.”
Balearic Islands
The Government has stated that free public transport under regional jurisdiction will be maintained despite the fact that the central government’s omnibus decree has been rejected this Wednesday and, in addition, has announced that the PP will present an initiative in Congress to approve this measure.
The Autoritat del Transport Metropolitana (ATM) of Barcelona will also maintain its discounts on public transport and has detailed that any change in prices or fares will be officially communicated. Thus, if the state bonuses are annulled, the ATM will maintain the 20% bonuses agreed upon in the council.
Community of Madrid
Likewise, the Community of Madrid announced this Wednesday that it will maintain “for the moment” public transport rates reduced to 60% and has demanded that the Government of Pedro Sánchez “fulfill” its commitment and finance the discounts. Therefore, for the moment, Madrid public transport users will continue to pay the same prices as until now, with a 60% discount.
Likewise, the president of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, has announced that the community will continue to subsidize transport and will maintain the 20% bonus for multi-trip intercity transport vouchers, which is where it has powers.
Meanwhile, the Santander City Council has also announced that it will maintain “in the coming days” the current 50% discounts on the municipal urban transport service (TUS) and the Torrelavega will do so throughout the month of January. In this way, subscription rates will remain as they are today.
The Transport Department of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, pending talks with the central Government, plans to maintain the discounts on public transport that are currently applied in Bizkaibus. This decision will be extended until the situation is clarified and definitive measures are taken in this regard.
Likewise, as reported by the Vitoria City Council, TUVISA will maintain the 50% bonus that it has been applying since last January 1, until the rejection of the validation of the decree is officially published in the BOE in the coming days. In the meantime, the pertinent actions and negotiations will be carried out in order to obtain the most favorable pricing for the citizens of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
The Provincial Council of Álava will maintain the current discounts on Alavabus and Regional Transport with anonymous BAT card (50%) and personalized BAT (up to 72%) at least until January 31. The Department of Sustainable Mobility has explained to Europa Press that the Provincial Government remains “waiting” to know the decision that the Government of Spain may adopt.
The president of the Cabildo of Tenerife, Rosa Dávila, has assured that the island corporation will guarantee that public transport remains free throughout 2025, despite the “political setback” that Pedro Sánchez’s government has suffered, she has added.
The Government of Zaragoza will also maintain the same price for public transport during the next few days while waiting for the Government of Spain to adopt a decision on the processing of an individualized decree that allows maintaining the 50 percent bonus on the price of transport in the municipalities that have been applying these reductions, among which is Zaragoza.
#communities #city #councils #announced #maintain #transport #bonuses #fall #decree