The Gremi d’Editors de Catalunya prepares a report weekly on the most popular titles of more than 150 points of Catalonia, between books and large surfaces. To the novembre, to the ports of them Nadal festivalsamong the books more sol·licitats trobem La muntanya del tresor, La vegetariana, Intermezzo, La classe de grec, Els crims de la Mel, Les noies de Sants either Those who don’t sleep Nash. Next, review everything.
‘The muntanya of the tresor’
When the Civil War broke out in July 1936, the young priest Benet Nomdedéu, from just eleven years old, was sent to the Montserrat school while the other monks and schools left the community. Feel another cry on anar, in Benet is supported by Carles Gerhard, the commissioner of Montserrat, and his family. The abbey is transformed into a hospital, printing house, cultural center and refuge lloc by order of the government of the Generalitat of Catalonia. The muntanya of the tresor (Editions Column) is the new novel by Martí Gironell.
‘The vegetarian’
The vegetarian (The Magrana) tells the story of a donut, Yeonghye, who by the simple decision to return to eating meat turned a normal life into a disturbing evil. Narrated in three parts, it explains the progressive lack of understanding of the human condition of a woman who has decided to stop being where she is forced to be. The reader, like one more parent, will witness this subversive act that will fracture the protagonist’s family life and transform all six relationships into a vortex of violence, shame and desig.

One of the successes in Catalonia this October has been Intermezzo (Periscopi Editions), by Sally Rooney. In Peter and l’Ivan they are Germans, but it does not seem that they are still in common. The first is a charismatic advocate installed in his thirties, who appears to have all the control but depends on medication to overcome the death of his father and manage his six love relationships. The latter is a professional scoundrel player who has always been considered a social misfit, the antithesis of his frivolous German, and who, shortly after his father’s burial, embarks on a passionate relationship with a larger woman. , the Margaret. The two Germans, immersed in confusion, face a new interlude: a period of despair, desires and possibilities; an opportunity to discover how much life can be contained in a mateix to dins sense esclatar.
‘The Greek class’

The Greek class (The Magrana), by the South Korean Han Kang, is a sensitive and magnetic story about the unlimited capacity of language and the force of human bonds. In a class of classical Greek, Seoul is believed to be two characters who establish a peculiar relationship. Of some people, the professor, who had just returned from Germany—on the verge of emigrating as a child—told the blind woman about to retire. On the other hand, there is a student whose mother has just died and they have custody of her daughter, the class does not give her any attention, something that takes the teacher’s attention. Ironically, he has enrolled in the Greek course.
‘Els crims de la Mel’

A dull night at the end of November illuminates two paths in the woods of the most unpopulated area of Catalonia. A home could be defeated while his company managed to escape. Hours later, an innocent man is found guilty by the civil guard. Així begins the story of some fets, based on a real crime that occurred in Pallars l’any 1953. Victims and botxins form two antagonistic collectives of the irreconcilable tot: payments arrelats to the century-old farmhouse against itinerant gypsies in fragile tartans, delerosos daily d’horitzons nous.
After the exit of Two black taüts and two white onesPep Coll recreates The crims of Mel (Proa Editions) a story full of intrigue, which questions the maxim I gave “the truth is far away.”
‘The Nights of Sants’

Tània Juste claims “the other war” in which gifts go to the cities and towns of Catalonia during the Civil War when their men are at the front of Les noies de Sants (Columna Edicions). I go through the story of the Molina family, formed by their father, the mother and five children, who leave their native Valencia to go to Barcelona, to the neighborhood of Sants, in a father’s germ, Uncle Miguel, ha hi està instaŀlat de fa temps. “The father works in Industrial Spain and works as a seamstress for a neighborhood tailor. The five girls, Julia, Pilar, Carmen, Ángeles and petita Lola, believe they are fully integrated into the neighborhood. From there he will play the great historical events, with the advent of the Republic, the esclat of the war, the bombings and the postwar fam, but also the loves and heartbreaks of the age, the Christmas balls, the major festivals, the cinema premieres and the associative life of neighborhood Somnis and enmig aspirations. of the hardships of a turbulent time that will challenge the family and their lives lligams. Five stories of Sants who, like others, are becoming everyday heroines of their times.
‘Those who don’t sleep Nash’

Dolores Redondo turns amb Those who do not sleep Nacsh (Editions Column). Forensic psychologist Nash Elizondo documents the origin of a witchcraft investigation in Legarrea Avenc, in one of the Tranquil Valleys of Navarra, but when he goes down to the Avenc the one found is the corpse of a noia disapareguda tres years enrere, l’Andrea Dancur; a case that will shock the country since a complex woman was imprisoned. Som March 2020 and the troballa and the new clues force us to reopen an investigation that this cop is developing in two different plans: firstly, through the scientific method, and secondly, mitjançant l’aprofundiment in the psychology of the implications and in the connection of ancestral mysteries.
Nash Elizondo, who finds herself in a mythical and sometimes hostile territory, will share both unexpected aids and will pose as the leader of a lineage of gifts that is not subdued even as they are victims.
‘The Confidential Bunker’
The confidential bunker (AraLlibres) recull of 10 unpublished biographies, more messages per antenna, the most famous people, polemics and controvertits of the recent history of Catalonia and the world. In this book, readers will decide whether to enter the bunker or not: Adolf Hitler, Montserrat Caballé, Joan Carles I, Ossama bin Laden, Lluís Companys, Vladímir Putin, Froilà, Lady Di, Francisco Franco and Fèlix Millet.
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