In These dates, the usual decoration of all the houses is suddenly altered and it is necessary to fit in the dining room, at least, the Christmas tree, nativity scene and other types of decorative elements. What if reddish wool socks, themed centerpieces or, in Catalan homes, the Tió… There are those who also make an effort to put a garland or wreath on the door of the house or lights on the balconies and terraces, and that without count on changing slippers or lounge clothes, which may be temporarily for Christmas reasons.
Special chapter also deserves all the floral decoration. And at this time, details with lucky mistletoe, bouquets with holly and red and green eucalyptus or, something much more common, the typical poinsettia, arrive in many homes. The one known as poinsettia It is a clear sign of the Christmas spirit, brightening the dining rooms with its soft red leaves.
It should be noted, however, that this plant is usually very sensitive and it is common that it does not last long. The loss of leaves, and the fact that new ones do not grow, is common and also watering, and even more so taking into account that at Christmas time many take a trip away from home for a few days, can play tricks on the poinsettia. However, although not many have experienced it, these flowers can survive the winter and resprout. These are the tricks that can make your poinsettia last longer and can even spend the whole year in your home.
Keys to poinsettia care
Flower experts emphasize three aspects, paying special attention to the irrigation. It should be done when the plant begins to look dry, and it should be by immersion, that is, the soil is soaked with water from the bottom of the pot, with a plate for example. The intention is that the humidity absorbs only the substrate but does not affect the leaves and from here the roots will take advantage of the water they need.
“It doesn’t need a lot of water,” they remember on their TikTok account from the Erica Garden florist, thus referring to one of the common mistakeswhich is overwatering or watering when the soil is still wet. Florists also remember, although it may seem obvious, that poinsettias are indoor plants, not meant to be outdoors, especially in winter.
Additionally, you have to be careful with the sun they receive. Poinsettias really like lightspecialized accounts such as @Be.Green point out, so it is a good idea to have it near windows but also avoiding direct light. Thirdly, but not least, it is necessary to prevent this plant from being in the middle of currentsor too close to hot spots: they normally live well at the same temperature as us.
Other tips that never hurt is to remove the wrapper which in many cases comes on top of the pot to give a more cute touch to the plant and it is also advisable to cut the leaves that are not in good condition.
Furthermore, the plant can survive Christmas and remain in good health, even if it has lost its leaves and many believe that it is dying. In this sense, being a deciduous plant it can bloom again: it is advisable to fertilize it, prune it correctly and when new leaves appear (which will not be red) it is recommended to moisten the new leaves, which will be green, with a spray.
#basic #tricks #poinsettia #longer