Sergio Medialdea He became one of the best -known faces of the 90s thanks to a famous advertising campaign for which he began to know as ‘the cousin of Zumosol’. Three decades later, Return to television to make visible the Bullying counting the hardness of his childhood and adolescence.
It became a symbol of security and courage, but behind that fortress a child was hidden who He suffered bullying for his physical appearance. “I was not enough to measure 1.46 meters with 14 years and wear glass ass glasses,” says Sergio Medialdea in Party.
The situation reached such an extent that it was considered to take his life. “There comes a time when you believe it, and You think it may be disappearing “, Express. “I put in front of a train. I had the intention of disappearing, “he adds in the Emma García program, where he explains that thinking about his parents was what made him depart from the train tracks.
He assures that The worst thing was not to tell anyone. “I did not say it because in principle I did not want to seem weak. I would never have become how strong my father raised me, it was a disappointment to me,” explains ‘The cousin of Zumosol’, who adds that the fact of not looking like a sneak and how difficult it was to talk about the subject There were also aspects that influenced their decision not to count anything at the time he suffered.
But now it is he who encourages victims of harassment to not remain silent. “Please, all children who are living such a situation, to tell their teachers and their parents “, Express addressing the spectators. But it also launches a message to schools: “Apply protocols against the Bullying, Because the Bullying They take lives. “
It is precisely in schools where Sergio Medialdea now dedicates himself to telling his story to give more visibility to this problem. “We go through the schools giving talks and It is incredible when you tell your story and five or six children start crying “, Explain.
Sergio says he closed a story on those train tracks and became strong. After that traumatic experience, he began to train, grew and ended up becoming ‘the cousin of Zumosol’ and, although he says he will never forget what he lived as a child, he launches a last message: “Before it was the scared child who controlled me, Now I am the man who controls the scared child who wanted to take his life. ”
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