As part of its participation in the activities of the World Government Summit 2024, the Ministry of Education is organizing, on the third day of the summit, the second session of the Future of Education Forum under the slogan “The Future of Education – Reimagining the Basics of Education,” with broad participation from government officials, leaders of the educational sector, academics, and specialists in educational affairs. .
His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi, Minister of Education, pointed out that the second session of the Education Basics Forum is concerned with discussing traditional and modern education concepts, and focuses on reimagining the basics of education at all stages in order to build modern and advanced education systems according to innovative models that anticipate the needs of the future and meet its requirements, and are presented in At the same time, comprehensive, integrated and flexible educational experiences allow students to learn everywhere and benefit from all educational resources and technological capabilities to develop their knowledge and practical skills.
He said: “The education sector, like other sectors, is witnessing rapid dynamic transformations driven by technological developments and social and economic changes, which necessarily means that education systems must be proactive, effective and capable of providing students with the skills and sciences of the future, and also be able to develop teaching methods and methods.” To suit the requirements of the times. Therefore, one of the main topics of this year’s session of the World Government Summit was devoted to discussing the future of education and the aspirations of tomorrow’s societies, which is what we seek to achieve in the Future of Education Forum by hosting the most prominent educational leaders and specialized academic experts from all over the world.”
The Future of Education Forum will witness the organization of seven specialized sessions, ranging from high-level discussions to panel discussions and workshops. More than 50 speakers will participate in these sessions and more than 300 individuals concerned with developing the future of education will participate in these sessions.
The forum's program includes organizing a high-level round table to discuss ways to develop higher education, with the participation of education ministers and leaders of higher education institutions from the region and the world.
The forum will also witness the organization of a bilateral dialogue session between His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi and the content creator Ahmed Al-Ghandour, founder of the “Al-Daheh” program, about the importance of entertaining education in encouraging students to learn, and how the various fields of science can be simplified and made more attractive to young people while maintaining the accuracy of the information at the same time. This encourages young people to browse reliable sources to expand further on the topics that arouse their passion.
During the forum, two discussion panels will be organized that will bring together speakers and experts from various countries of the world to discuss the basics of education systems and ways to develop them. The first session, entitled “Model Schools… A New Vision for Education,” will discuss the role of alternative learning models such as vocational training and digital education in building students’ skills, and how to Developing traditional education systems to provide learning experiences that suit the individual abilities and needs of students, and the importance of developing teachers’ capabilities to enable them to carry out their vital role in developing educational models and improving their outcomes.
The second discussion session will be held under the title: “From School to the Board of Directors” and will examine the role of formal education in supporting students’ entrepreneurial thought. It will highlight the importance of experiential education and life experiences in building additional skills that are not provided by formal education systems, and will discuss the strategies that must be adopted to develop entrepreneurial thought. Entrepreneurship is part of education systems, which contributes to raising generations that possess flexibility and innovative thinking that enable them to lead the way in the future.
During the second session of the Future of Education Forum, a workshop will be organized on regulatory policies to include artificial intelligence in educational systems, especially in light of its transition from theoretical concepts to the practical application stage. During the workshop, the policies and initiatives applied by countries and educational institutions to adopt artificial intelligence in education will be researched and analyzed. Their educational systems, based on these analyzes, recommendations will be issued that identify the most prominent risks that must be avoided when including artificial intelligence in education.
In parallel with the sessions organized by the Ministry of Education, the Future of Education Forum provides a platform for the Ministry’s partners to discuss and anticipate the future of education. The Forum witnesses the organization of two discussion sessions in cooperation with the “Digital School,” the first entitled “Empowering Communities through Digital Learning” and the second entitled “The Future of Digital Education in… Southern African Community countries.
It is noteworthy that the World Government Summit 2024 will witness more than 110 main dialogue and interactive sessions, in which 200 international figures will speak, in addition to holding more than 23 ministerial meetings and executive sessions in the presence of more than 300 ministers.
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