Workers with less than 34 years accumulated more than 2.7 million temporary disability casualties by common contingencies in 2023, which means tripling the cases registered by Social Security with respect to those in 2020, in … full pandemic. The incidence accumulated by this group of employees – in many cases, newly incorporated into the labor market – Expand the gap they already had with those over 55, whose casualties remain stable in the environment of the 1.3 million processes initiated last year, according to Amat data from the last records of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations.
After the work shock that caused the coronavirus in the economy and life of millions of Spaniards, the casualties of the youngest have been growing exponentially these years while those of those who approach the retirement age have barely changed. Between them are the workers of between 35 and 54 years, who accumulate just over four million of disability processes.
The incidence of the newest workers – a data that measures those casualties with respect to the number of active employees – is the largest of all age stripes, with 43 cases per 1,000 workers; compared to 30.7 cases in medium -sized; and the 25.6 cases of the elderly.
These data complete an x -ray that reveals how 8.7 million casualties began due to diseases and non -work accidents in 2023, which meant a cost of more than more than 28,987 million euros in social security benefits and direct impact For companies. This amount has practically doubled in the last six years. And he has done, among other causes, due to the incidence that is increasing around the cases linked to the Mental health In 2023 only 367,000 casualties were diagnosedwhich represents a 70% increase with respect to the data prior to the pandemic. And ten times more than the cases registered a decade ago, when these types of pathologies represented a minimum part of the temporary disability processes.
With all these statistics on the table, the Ministry of Social Security has already begun negotiations with entrepreneurs and unions to address a reform of temporary disability, after the cost for the coffers of the public system has shot up until above the 18,000 million euros.
System changes
In that dialogue process, which is still incipient, the body has shown its concern for increasing cases, for the resolution deadlines and by the budget impact itself. The director of Employment, Diversity and Social Protection of CEOE, Rosa Santos, has indicated that the employer is in favor of “eliminating or transforming” the accessories that companies add to those of Social Security to complete the salary of workers in the period of Temporary inability due to common contingencies.
From Amat they ask, among other measures, to empower the mutuals to perform the Integral management of the casualties at least in cases of traumatology. In fact, the agreement with the autonomous communities so that the mutuals have the management of these processes is very advanced.
From the business spheres, they have been able to reach an agreement with Social Security on this issue and They appreciate the change of “mood” of the departmentaccording to the Director General of Asedas, Ignacio García Magarzo. This executive recalls that work absenteeism is a “enormous pressure for the profitability of the company and about the prices” that customers pay in supermarkets.
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