The leg musclesas we all know, they are responsible for different movements in the ankle and footwhich are important for certain activities such as walk, run or dance. And all of them are done daily by multitude of people worldwide.
In depth
In general, leg muscles are arranged in three main groups:
- Previous leg muscles (dorsal flexion), constituted by the anterior tibial muscles, long fingers, third fibular and long extender of the big toe.
- Later leg muscles (plantar flexion), constituted by a superficial layer -composed by the twin or gastrocnemium, plantar and soleus muscles -and by a deep layer -composed by the posterior tibial muscles, long flexor of the big toe, poplies and long flexo of the fingers.
- Side muscles of the leg (fibular), constituted by the long fibular muscle and the short fibular muscle.
More details
Given this panorama, there are many Spanish and Spanish who wonder how to gain muscle on their legs after 50 years of age. And, although it is not an easy thing, several experts have shared a series of tips and exercises for Grow body support.
First, we must be clear that to gain a lot of muscle in our legs, our body will need that Let’s increase calories and proteins so that it can grow. However, we should not pass, otherwise we would increase fat instead of the muscle.
To take into account
Secondly, and After stretching correctly the hamstrings and the quadriceps, among others, must be executed squats. We just have to get erected, with a very separate feet at a distance greater than that of our shoulders and flex our legs as if we would like to sit.
Once we dominate the exercise, we will have to add difficulty and load. Third, we have to make strides. To do this, we must start standing, separating the legs more than the width of our hip, and take a very big step forward, at the same time we inspire and keep our backs upright.
Finally, We have to do Romanian dead weight. In this, we must stand up, holding the bar in front and keeping the feet more separate than the width of our hips. Then we lower the bar very stuck to the body, flexing the hip and keeping the knees somewhat rigid. The rest, of course, is also fundamental.
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