The most anticipated poster was canceled, that of the reappearance of Morante de la Puebla. As the map of time was drawn, there were no great trust in which the bullfight was celebrated, but the people remained in Olivenza to savor the earth … Extremadura, which is “that goes out” – expression of the men of the field – with these rains. And who was to leave was Tomás Bastos, the cover, who won four ears and stole the headlines to Marco Pérez, the star of the Novalil ranks, and Olga Casado, the Madrid surprise, which debuted with itchors. A Trophy by Colleta took these last two.
It was not only a matter of prizes, but of bullfighting. And the one who really excited was that of Vila Franca de Xira, attached by Cristina Sánchez and forged under the reins of Luis Reina in the school of Badajoz. If he liked last year in this same stage, much more excited this Sunday of clouds, sun and water.
Olga Casado walked an ear in the sixth
At six in the morning the operators removed the canvas and conditioned the ring for hours while the first rays of sun arrived. “There will be bulls,” he said. And at half past eleven the walk in the oliventine sand started. The staff was removed, but already in the first greengrocer hooded the water began to wake, so chubasqueros and umbrella deployed. To top it off, the inaugural steer did not accompany the least. Fuente Ymbro was, like the other of Marco Pérez, because it was the debut with Picadores de Olga Casado and each novillero came with his steers under his arm …
On the defensive and with Guasita the first, to which Marco looked for the turns with technique and that he did not forgive him a somersault.
They said a lot the Verónicas of Tomás Bastos to the Cariavacado Segundo, that way of throwing the flights, that disagreement, that seal of the different. And beware how the specimen of Talavante, of fable in a lance. After the flags, Vila Franca de Xira set an illusionish work. What a temper and accompany. To fight. And how good it was galonito. To enjoy. As the Portuguese did. Particularly, after the gourmet, I would have preferred a different closure to the manoletins. Not that the sword detached prevented the double trophy that opened the big door: Bastos has that ‘something’ that encourages the desire to see him again.
White and silver, the color of Miguel Abellán, wore Olga Casado. And on his side, pending all the fight, was the former manager of the Bullfighting Center of the Community of Madrid. For Abellán it was the toast, crowned with a hug. The Madrid surprise, who had gained in a quite for Gaoneras, started with knees. To all and bullfighting. The chestnut seemed the strongest of the first part, although also the most porridge. Aspoote out of exit, he did not receive the best puyazo and stuck a volatine. Dazzled, it was not easy to take the pace for a debut, although there was its value and that wanting to do it slowly. The best: the prologue of Hinojos and the penultimate luquecinas, because then a closure of left -handed to feet together would be marked together. The sword did not accompany her on Sunday (he punctured the first and appeared at the second) and had to be unhappy. He greeted a affectionate ovation.
Olivenza bullring.
Sunday, March 9, 2024. Matinal Novillada. Almost three quarters of entry. Steers of Fuente Ymbro (1st, defensive and with Guasita, and 4th), Talavante (2nd and 5th) and the Purísima (3rd and 6th), -
Marco Pérez,
of apple and gold green: lunge that makes guard and lunge (palms); prick and lunge (ear). -
Tomás Bastos,
of pink and gold: lunge fall (two ears); staked (two ears). -
Olga Casado,
White and silver: prick, lunged lunges and six unhappy (greetings after warning); prick and lunge (ear after two notices).
The fourth one went up to a point, which he received from Hinojos Marco, who did not want to let the fight on the Oliventino stage. Impossible to adjust more in the chicuelinas, but so many were his desires that he attacked too much with a Fuembro with his shield that did not make it easy. A lot of caste put the Salamanca, who achieved the most exciting moments when he lowered his hand in rolling crutches, carrying him very covered. There is plenty of ex officio Marco, who must find the balance between capacity and revolutions not to fall into mechanism. He played it and more than one scare took.
There was a runrún at the exit of the fifth, which stopped in the bastos holder and had to throw body. Then rule the cape to the Veronica. Much merit had the last torque, with the animal like a way. He stood on his knees in the changed pass, but happy it was not like a gallon. More is a laborío and difficult, it seemed more technique than aesthetics. Moreover, it was the task, with the very growing bullfighter, believing it, increasingly abandoned, with some mouletos of the poster. He really played in Las Bernadinas and killed a stroke. Two ears in the rain and review of the cover to their companions.
He followed the ‘Calabobos’ in the sixth. Olga threw the youngest behind, who hit him a zancadilla in the tafalleras. Luckily, the Purísima did not do for her. He put Majesty in the statueries and grew up in the finals of the task, with some extraordinary crutch. It was so long that he heard a warning before entering to kill. He walked an ear. As a frame. Bastos took him to shoulders after his full four and leaving the bullfight of more flavor. Well it was worth the weekend to see the Portuguese in his Oliventina reconquest.