More than 497.5 million passengers used the public transport In December, which is an increase in 5.7% with respect to the same month of 2023. Thus it follows from the Travelers Transport Statistics (TV), a report prepared by the National Statistics Institute (INE).
Breaking down the data, transportation urban It increased 6.2% compared to 2023, while the interurban registers a 5.8% rise. In transport interurbanThe INE highlights the increase of 9.4% of bus transport. As for the set of travelers who used public transport in 2024, the total figure exceeded the 5,584.5 millionwhich yields a 7.0% increase compared to 2023.
In response to the interurban transport data, it was used by more than 289.4 million travelers In the month of December, which represents an increase of 6.2% compared to the same month of 2023. Transport per meter grew 5.4% in an annual rate, while bus transport was made by 6.8 %.
On the other hand, more than 175.4 million travelers They used interurban transport in December, which represents an increase of 5.8% compared to the same month of 2023. With respect to the means of transport used in these paths, the bus increased by 9.4%, the air %, the maritime 3.0%, and by railroad 2.1%.
In the same way, the INE separates another group of transport, which corresponds to the Special and discretionary. The latter encompasses all those means of transport that do not have fixed schedule, or have some unique characteristic that differentiates them.
More than 32.7 million of users used this means of transport in December, which shows an increase of 1.4% compared to December 2023. It is a more discreet increase than the other categories show, but still grows.
The number of special transport passengers, meanwhile, fell 0.1%, exceeding the 21.2 million users. In detail, school transport increased 0.9%, while labor decreased 2.7%. On the other hand, discretionary transport grew 4.4%, up to 11.4 million users.
In the same way, it is necessary to attend to the statistics divided by autonomous communities. The number of travelers in bus transport, a concrete statistic that uses the INE to make the territories measurement, presented the highest increases in Galicia (17.2%), Basque Country (13.8%) and Extremadura (11.5%).
On the other hand, transport per meter increased in all cities that have this infrastructure, except that of Valenciawith a decrease of 27.4%. The Palma Metro, on the other hand, records the clearest increase, of 21.5%.
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