The lentils They are one of the stars of Spanish cuisine, so much so that it does not surprise anyone that is within the list of the most consumed. It could almost be said that it is a timeless recipe that likes different generations and best of all are its multiple beneficial health properties, since it is very complete in terms of iron, hydrates and vitamins.
The way to prepare them varies greatly in terms of tastes, because it is true that there are those who prepare them with vegetables, with sausage or black pudding. Now, one of the most common mistakes when cooking them and that completely ruins their flavor It occurs during cooking.
Over low heat, and the salt?
For lentils to remain perfect we must monitor and be very careful with the cooking process. According to experts, the first step is to cover them in the casserole with cold water and then heat them over high heat. It must be maintained so until the first norbotones begin to emerge, approximately a few minutes. At this time it is very important to lower the fire halfway, since so We will prevent lentils from pearsing, It is a legume that frequently tends to do so.
In addition you have to be careful over time left in the fire. Unlike other legumes, lentils are flat and thin, so they soften faster than others. In this sense, experts say that the recommended time to do are about an hour and a halfalthough it depends on the type of lentil that is used, as some are larger than others.
Finally, salt is the last factor that interferes in the process of doing lentils and beyond making mistakes in quantity and getting a more salty or more tasteless result, the problem has to do with the moment in which you have to add it. Although it is true that it is recommended that the amount is moderate, especially if sausages will be included, it is important At the end of cooking so that it does not interfere with the process and prevent it from hardening.
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