The UMU clarifies that the reservation of the Paraninfo for the act of Olona “followed the regulations”

Macarena Olona, ​​in a file image. / EFE

The educational institution indicates that “there is no evidence that the organizing entity is outside the Spanish legal system”

The University of Murcia (UMU) clarified that the reservation of its Paraninfo for the act of what was ‘number two’ of Vox in Congress and candidate for the Junta de Andalucía, Macarena Olona, ​​was made “following current regulations”.

In addition, according to the UMU, there is no evidence that the organizing entity, the Spanish Institute of Political Studies, “is outside the Spanish legal system or presents any incompatibility that prevents the transfer of the required space.”

The UMU made these statements in an official statement and in relation to the different information about the conference that Olona plans to hold at the UMU facilities on Friday, September 23.

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In any case, the UMU clarified that it does not participate “in any way” in the organization or dissemination of the event. “The reservation of the Auditorium of the University of Murcia was made on September 19 in the name of the Spanish Institute of Political Studies, an association that contributed its CIF and its statutes to complete the reservation,” he stressed.

In this sense, the UMU ratified that the reservation of the University Paraninfo was made “following the current regulations on transfer of temporary use of university spaces, approved by the Governing Council on December 23, 2011.”

Thus, he recalled that this regulation specifies that “the University of Murcia can offer its facilities to public and private entities to carry out acts such as exams, oppositions, congresses, assemblies, courses, seminars and similar acts.”

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In fact, he remarked that “it is usual for the most diverse entities to rent the use of university spaces: NGOs, unions, political parties or associations”, among others. “There is no evidence that the organizing entity is outside the Spanish legal system or has any incompatibility that prevents the transfer of the required space,” said the educational institution.

In any case, the UMU stressed that the Government Delegation was informed of said activity, following the usual procedures, to prevent any situation that, being alien to the members of the university community, may arise.

Finally, he pointed out that “the organizers of the event are not authorized to use logos or symbols of any of the Faculties or of the University of Murcia itself.”

#UMU #clarifies #reservation #Paraninfo #act #Olona #regulations





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