Anyone’s dream is to wear strong and healthy hair and for this there are a lot of masks, shampoos and hair products. However, many of these They contain chemical components that can be too aggressive And this is why there are many people looking for an alternative in natural ingredients.
A good place to be inspired to find these ingredients, is Ayurveda, which is traditional Indian medicine that has hundreds of years of history. In fact, there are Two ingredients, which you also have in the kitchenwhich can become your perfect allies to wear a dark, strong and bright hair.
Once again, we have found on social networks a video with the trick, inspired by traditional Indian medicine, to wear healthy and strong hair. The person in charge of sharing it has been Victoria Moradell, who is a cosmetic formulator and a professor of natural cosmetics and as she tells us only we only need two ingredients: cinnamon and clove with smell.
How to prepare this homemade hair remedy
This trick to show off hair only needs these two spices that you surely have in your pantry: cinnamon and clove with smell. Take a teaspoon of both and a cup of water. You put the Three things in a saucepan and let them boil for five minutes. When cooling, tell it and put it in a spray boat.
As a result you will get a black fluidwhich according to Victoria Moradell you must apply with the pulverize all over the hair Every night before sleeping.
So that its Properties are intact, put the boat in the fridge And keep in mind that you can use it during the next seven days of its elaboration, after this time you must make you a new one.
The virtues of the clove and the hair cinnamon
Cinnamon is one of the most used spices in Ayurveda for its great qualities. It is perfect for hair because it stimulates its growth, while Improves the blood circulation of the scalpwhich makes the hair follicle in better conditions.
For its part, the Clavo has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic properties. Its use in the hair encourages its growth and reduces its fall.
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