With the arrival of a strong snow temporary described by the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet) With a yellow level and that during yesterday and today it is affecting several roads in the area of the central system, the province of Burgos, the Cantabrian mountain range, the Oscense Pyrenees and points of Albarracín and the teacher in Teruel, The DGT has issued a statement with recommendations For drivers.
First, ask the road users who access the National Traffic Information Access Pointeither (https://nap.dgt.es/) Before embarking on, especially in the aforementioned areas, since it is possible that their roads suffer snowy during this week.
What measures that the DGT can take for the snowfall?
With the aim of guaranteeing fluidity and road safety, the DGT can establish a series of measures based on snow difficulty levels: Green, yellow, red and black.
Based on them, it will establish the restrictions of heavy vehicles, the obligation to circulate with winter tires or chains, the possibility of limiting the speed of circulation and prohibiting overtaking, and, finally, The total cuts of a road. In addition, from the General Directorate of Traffic in coordination with the Civil Guard they can put any of the 32 alternative deviations for truck embolism.
What to do if you are thrown out of the snow?

In these cases, from the DGT it is requested to keep calm and signal the vehicle with emergency lights, V-16 light or triangles. Subsequently, it is necessary to place the car as to the right of the road, since leave the left lane to allow the passage of quitanieves vehicles. Then, you must indicate to emergencies or the Civil Guard that you are stranded in the snow.
Finally, if you cannot resume the march and you have to stay for several hours inside the car, it is preferable light the engine through intervals to save fuelIn addition, the exhaust pipe must be free snow to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. It is also advised to open the window every time, at the risk of losing temperature, to favor air circulation. And, finally, the DGT recommends being patient and informing about your location.
Chains or snow tires?
First, it is essential that winter tires can replace traditional chains on roads where its use is mandatory. This is allowed whenever the m+s acronym (mud and snow) are marked on the surface of the tire.
On the other hand, it has been proven that these tires exceed chains in Traction terms, braking distance, adhesion and vehicle stability. In addition, they have the advantage of not generating the characteristic noise of the chains when circulating on the snow. For these reasons, its use is highly recommended during the coldest months of the year.
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