March already faces its final stretch, of which it is the protagonist The change of time. There is just over a week to advance the clock needles, an adjustment that causes a great impact on daily life, but of which no changes in the short term are expected.
This modification in the watches takes place twice a year, and the last weekend of March It will be when this 2025 is carried out for the first time, thus going to the summer schedule.
In this way, at dawn from Saturday 29 to Sunday, March 30, At 2.00 h (1.00 h in the Canary Islands), will be 3.00 h (2.00 h in the Canary Islands). It will be then when on Sunday, March 30 will last an hour less, 23 hours instead of the usual 24 hours.
Change will be noticed especially in Light hours During the afternoon, since the sunset will be increasingly delayed, and the same will happen with dawn, which from March 30 will take place an hour later.
This transition, which tries to balance daily activity with the hours of sunlight, always causes an impact on daily life, sometimes altering sleep rhythms. This effect, added to the fact that Spain The time spindle does not correspond which has – aligned with central Europe, instead of Western Europe – has caused more and more detractors of time change.
Although the initial objective was to take better advantage of natural light, it is currently translated into significant energy saving. However, At the legislative level no changes in the short term are foreseen. In Spain, it is the Order PCM/186/2022, of March 11published in the Official State Gazette (BOE), which gives the clue that the time change will continue to take place every fall and each spring until at least 2026.
Thus, the text reflos the calendar of the Summer time corresponding to the 2022 to 2026and establishes on March 30 as the date on which the summer hour period begins, which will run until October 26 (also Sunday), when winter schedule will begin.
In the EU it does not seem that this debate will materialize soon, despite the fact that the European Commission proposed 2019 as the year in which a permanent schedule would be established. However, all proposals related to the time change remain since then paralyzed in a drawer.
What devices are automatically updated
With regard to the change of time itself, it should be remembered that most current devices have this function scheduled automatically. This is so thanks to NTP network protocol (Network Time Protocol)so it is not necessary to be aware of changing the clock in the case of smartphones, tablets, computers or intelligent televisions. The same does not happen in those devices that are not connected to the Internet – such as wall or bracelet watches, appliances or vehicles -, so there will have to be advanced the clock in a manual.
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