Choosing a university career is one of the most important decisions of our life, and although it is true that this does not have to determine what we are going to dedicate to the rest of our life, as a general rule it usually marks the path we are going to make.
This means that at a speedy age we have to make one of the most important decisions of our life, or at least in the coming years, and that is why we should not hurry or take it lightly. And is that Before choosing a career, several aspects must be taken into account, For some it is about following their passion, for others to continue with the family tradition, while other people focus on the job opportunities of the future and the money they can earn.
All decisions are valid, since for some people economic security will be more important and for others the happiness of working on something they like, however, finding a balance is always recommended, since nobody wants to hit a shot in the foot with regard to their future.
The most recommended races have not always been the sameexcept cases such as medicine, engineering or similar, but with The advance of technology many things have changed and new opportunities have emergedand now with the entrance of artificial intelligence in our lives, the educational panorama has been stirred again.
This is because AI is able to replicate in more effectively and quickly certain actions of humans, which means that little by little it will be replaced in certain tasks, which will leave several obsolete professions in one way or another. Therefore, before deciding which career to take into account that AI will be increasingly present in our lives, and that that will change the work world.
The three university careers that should no longer be studied, according to AI
That is why we have asked the AI own What are the careers that you least recommend studying taking into account the direction that the world is taking. Of course, we do not have to take it to the letter, and that if someone wants to study them, he is in their full right to do so and be successful in the future, but does not mean that it is a point of view and we must not ignore it either.
1. Business Administration (without specialization)
Ade, according to AI, it is a very generalist career, which can make differentiation in the labor market difficult, in addition to the fact that companies are increasingly valued practical skills and specific knowledge in areas such as data analysis, technology or digital marketing. In addition to all this is added that The automation of several administrative processes make the demand for several positions be reduced.
2. Right
Although it is true thatAnd there will always be a lawyer’s demands, the labor market is saturated in some areas, in addition to the fact that AI is automating routine legal tasks, which could reduce the demand for certain initial level positions. What is recommended if you are going to study law is that Specials in issues such as technological or cybersecurity law.
3. Accounting
The evolution of AI and automation have caused routine accounting tasks are assumed by advanced computer programs. This does not imply the disappearance of accounting, but a transformation, accountants now must Specialize in areas of greater strategic value, such as deep financial analysis, specialized auditing or compliance with complex regulationsS, to ensure its relevance in the labor market.
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