The tallest castle in Spain measures 47 meters and is in this province of Andalusia

Our country has fortifications as popular as the Alcazar de Segoviaa historical enclave, chosen as a place of residence by many of the monarchs of the Trastámara dynasty and from where Isabel la Católica left to be crowned. Nor is the castle of Loarre behind, which rises more than 1,000 meters of altitude in the province of Huesca and jumped to fame because it served as a stage for the film The Kingdom of Heaven Ridley Scott.

But neither of the previous two can boast of being the castle higher in Spain. That recognition is possessed by the Belalcázar Castle in Cordovaalso called Castillo de los Sotomayor or Castillo de Ghete, which has a 47 -meter high tribute tower.

This fortification is part of one of the most unique and representative fortified sets built during the second half of the fifteenth century, although it began to forge years ago. In fact, the first historical references on the walled enclosure of Belalcázar refer to Roman times, although the first historical documents are found in the ninth century and during the XV centurywhen he got up.

The image of the Castle of Belalcázar, as it is currently known, would not be achieved until the 16th century, when a residential building attached to the eastern side was added, the Andalusia Board details. The result, an imposing strength with palatial airs considered as a good monument of cultural interest since 2009.

A 47 -meter high tribute tower

Of the entire complex, the tribute tower is striking, of 47 meters highthe highest that rises over the Iberian Peninsula. And not only does it stand out for its size, but for a “decorative and allegorical deployment of great singularity” in windows and scaraguaitas, small attached towers that sought to strengthen the safety of the installation, without leaving any an edge out of surveillance.

The height difference between the tribute tower and the rest of the walled enclosure is striking. A possible explanation is that it adapts to the topographic conditions of the land. In the end, the complex presents 21 towers in different conservation states and all of them are intertwined by walls.

The Junta de Andalucía organizes guided tours to learn about the imposing Castle of Belalcázar. They are organized from March 16 to December 31, as detailed on its official website. They have a duration of an hour and a half minutes and are free, although the previous reserve is necessary.

#tallest #castle #Spain #measures #meters #province #Andalusia

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