Today, March 20, the World Rewilding Day (World Renaturalization Day) is celebrated worldwide.
Since the end of 2022, the Iberian Sur system, which includes the areas of the Alto Tajo and Serranía de Cuenca in Castilla-La Mancha and the Sierra de Albarracín in Aragon, is the scenario in which Rewilding Spain develops a renaturalization initiative with advances that place it at the forefront of the nature recovery movement in Spain.
Thanks to joint work with public administrations from different fields, local associations of the entire territory, donors, professionals, media, volunteers, scientists, protected natural spaces, companies and entrepreneurs, and local population, the renaturalization of the Iberian system Sur advances with actions and achievements that have a real impact on the territory:
• Creation of 19 jobs.
• Agreements with thirteen companies, associations and entrepreneurs of the southern Iberian system that promote ecotourism, environmental education and entrepreneurship in nature -based activities.
• Management of 20,000 hectares of pastures with large herbivores (mountain horses, pottokas and przewalski, and tauros) with the mission of favoring healthy regeneration of the mountains, increasing biodiversity and contributing to fire prevention.
• Reintroduction of 21 black vultures in collaboration with the Natural Park of Alto Tajo and the Ministry of Sustainable Development of Castilla-La Mancha.
• Pioneer Agreement in Castilla-La Mancha for the conservation of an ancient forest, in Vega del Codorno, with an innovative model that seeks to compensate for the unemployed profit for stopping to cut down with the commercialization of carbon absorption rights.
• Start -up of the Rewilding Educa Environmental Program, which passed more than 400 boys and girls in 2024.
• Volunteer program, with the participation of about thirty volunteers since its implementation.
• Positive visibility for the southern Iberian system in 18 ecotourism, education and reference nature events throughout Spain, such as the International Ornithology Fair (FIO), Naturcyl, Delta Birding Festival, Expoaire, National Ecotourism Congress.
• Support and promotion of local events that highlight the natural values and traditions of the southern Iberian system: Resine Fiesta (Cobeta), Rural Fair of the Serranía (Tragacete), Cycle of Activities of the Biosphere Reserve of the Valle del Cabriel.
• Celebrated three specialized training course for entrepreneurs and ecotourism professionals.
• 9 million impacts on local, regional, national and international media around the theme of renaturalization, actions that are carried out in the south Iberian system and the natural values of the territory.
Mitigate climate change
By favoring the recovery of wild nature, renaturalization can contribute to mitigate climate change and increase biodiversity, in addition to offering opportunities to people by contributing to the economic revitalization of rural areas through the creation of new jobs and companies, and fostering the preservation of cultural heritage.
With these objectives, the southern Iberian system has established itself as a reference space that shows the benefits that renaturalization can generate for both nature and people, which will facilitate the expansion of movement to different scales in other territories.
In addition, network work with Rewilding Europe and other initiatives throughout the continent makes it possible to share knowledge and experiences that strengthen the movement of renaturalization and allow multiplying its positive impact.
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