The social center ‘La Sowing’ denounces a fascist attack in Ciudad Real

Those responsible for the Social Center Sowing, in Ciudad Real, have denounced an “attack” of a “Nazi-fascist squad” at its headquarters in the provincial capital. In the crystals of the premises the messages “Hitler was right” and “Red no” have been painted, next to a swastika and a Celtic cross. They are valuing the measures they can take in this regard.

“The amount of attacks and actions that Nazi-fascism and the extreme right have been committing in our city with total impunity is alarming,” they highlight from the organization of the center. “The extreme right and the Nazi-fascism campate at ease, committing all kinds of attacks and criminal acts,” they describe.

Noel Montero, one of those responsible for the center, regrets that a “reactionary boom” is being lived in the capital, in which the groups are “coming up”, “frightening, threatening and causing.” Montero also recalls that other attacks of this type have already been recorded, at the headquarters of the PSOE and IU in the capital, and also against representatives of the local PSOE.

From the center they also regret that the “most vulnerable” population is being left “homeless.”

“We do not believe that state institutions will put any solution to the problem of Nazi-fascism and the extreme right,” they emphasize. In addition, they insist that they have been “attacked” for being an “own and independent space of the Manchega working class.”

In the center, which opened in last January, presentations of poems have been organized and soon a soccer championship, or an open micro championship.

#social #center #Sowing #denounces #fascist #attack #Ciudad #Real

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