The Third Social Action sector carried out 47 million interventions in 2023 and its action in economic terms, accounts for 1.44% of GDP-with economic income slightly above 19,000 million euros annually–, According to the third sector of social action sector (TSAS), presented by the Social Action NGO platform at the headquarters of the Eleven Foundation of Madrid.
Among other data, the document reveals that the sector has more than 600,000 salaried people; that 7 out of 10 are women and More than 70% have university studies, and that there are about 1.5 million volunteers.
The barometer is composed of two differentiated parts, a quantitative-social action barometer in Spain 2024-and another qualitative-intergenerational consistency or intergenerational coexistence in the third sector?: Challenges and opportunities-.
In the quantitative part, the barometer coordinator, Nuria Parejo, has detailed the main results raised in the study, such as the sector is still “fragmented and atomized”; that the TSAS entities are “in constant search for new forms of financing that allows them not to depend only on public financing “; or that public financing represents less than 50% of the total financing of the sector entities.
It also reflects that the TSAS is “highly feminized” and although in the governing bodies certain variations have been observed where more weight has been given to the male figure at some times, it points out that since 2010 the female presence in the charges has been consolidated managers representing 60%. In addition, it indicates that Intergenerational coexistence is taking importance within the entities but at the moment the presence of the youngest is not majority.
In the qualitative field, the CEO of Kuo Experience and consultant of the qualitative study of the barometer, Pilar Parra, has indicated that there is no conscious implementation nor has it achieved the advantages of an effective generational integration in most organizations and entities social.
“We must reflect whether it is time to establish committed initiatives that highlight and promote the value of intergenerational coexistence, Since currently the relationship between millennials and Z generation, it is not balanced with boomers and generation X. Each generation lives a unique vital moment that determines how it perceives its relationship with organizations. Keeping present the convergence points will be key to effective intergenerational interaction, “he said.
He also pointed out that organizations must become aware and activate actions that demonstrate and amplify the transformative value of intergenerational coexistence, as well as solve the problem of visibility and notoriety to attract social entities to younger people.
“I think it is very important to have studies of this type, Since all entities serves us to improve, to know what are the strengths and weaknesses of our sector, as well as to value the role of social entities, “explained the general secretary of the Once Foundation and inserted employment, Virginia Carcedo.
For her part, the General Director of Families and Diversity of the Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030, Patricia Bezunartea, commented in her speech that “the knowledge work of reality in such a changing context is fundamental” and has opted for “developing strong public policies and working as a whole public administrations and the third sector to defend social justice and rights.”
In addition, the president of the Social Action NGO platform, Yolanda Besteir year 2015, and that analyzed the impact of the first major economic crisis in the third sector, and its Adaptation to that “hard context.”
“With this barometer, the data is clear, and the commitment account of the sector to rights, in this political and social context of the 21st century it is also. Thanks to all the organizations that you collaborate with the barometer, we will value This valuable contribution in society, to realize the social change we work for, “he said.
During the act, a table has also taken place in which the Botín Foundation Director, Javier García Cañete, who stressed that “The social sector is increasingly alive” and that “in addition to doing” must “tell and transfer it effectively to society.”
For his part, the director of the Spanish Fundraising Association, Fernando Morón, has shown that what they are “confirming is that specific donors are growing and there is a downward rebound to recurrent donors” so He has stressed the importance of “capturing and loyalty.”
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