The Ministry of Labor will meet next Wednesday with unions and entrepreneurs to close the increase in the minimum interprofession 2024 or, what is the same, 4.4% more.
On the table, two proposals have been presented, two proposals: CCOO and UGT want a increase higher than 5.8%even place the SMI in 1,200 euros per monthand CEOE has raised an increase of 3%, to 1,168 euros, following the wake of what was agreed with the unions in the Collective Bargaining Agreement 2023-2025.
The agreement to three bands seems very complicated, since both work and the unions consider that the employer has fallen short in their proposal and that That 3% increase does not take the SMI to the percentage of 60% of the average salary determined by the European Social Charter.
Thus, the ministry directed by Yolanda Díaz will not go beyond Wednesday to decide how much the 2025 SMI will up definitive meetingespecially after the fall of the decree ‘bus’ in Congress, where the SMI of 2024 (1,134 euros per month) was extended.
With the repeal of this decree, the minimum wage has returned to its value of 2023 (1,080 euros per month), although work has dictated an instruction so that No company can pay less than the 2024 SMI both in new and old contracts. The inspection will monitor this so and will impose sanctions if it is breached.
Despite this instruction, Work wants to approve the new 2025 SMI as soon as possibleso that it enters into force with retroactive effects since January 1.
Most ambitious proposal
The proposal that the employer has taken to the table would raise the SMI to 1,168 euros, that is, 34 euros more per month. He has also claimed to index SMI’s rise to public contracts and aid for the field sector.
Although work has valued that the CEOE has moved record in this negotiation, considers that the proposed increase, of the 3%, is insufficient And he has asked him “more ambition” in the numbers.
“We are going to wait for an upcoming meeting (this Wednesday) to see if these conditions put by the employer, or the figure itself, They could move in some sense to be able to seek an agreement With trade union organizations, “said the Secretary of State for Labor, Joaquín Pérez Rey, who believes, if an agreement on the rise with CEOE and Cepyme is reached, their other demands do not” should be a serious problem “for a Tripartite pact.
The SMI perceives it around 2.5 million people in Spainof which 65% are women and almost 26% are young people between 16 and 25 years old, according to the Ministry.
Agreement this Wednesday
For their part, CCOO and UGT want to reach an agreement next Wednesday to cause the “Minimum problems” to the workers after the fall of the decree ‘bus’.
Although they positively value CEOE’s proposal, they understand that “it is far” from the claims of the unions, which propose to place the SMI in about 1,200 euros per month to comply with the 60% of the average salary of the European Social Charter.
The unions want to clarify also whether the SMI will be exempt from the personal income tax and address compensation and salary pluses so that they do not end up being absorbed by the SMI rise.
CCOO and UGT will try to reach an agreement as soon as possible, but have warned that “Hurry will not be detrimental not to improve the conditions of the minimum interprofessional salary”.
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