The final filtration of declassified documents about the murder of President John F. Kennedy, ordered by Donald Trump this March 18, sheds light on a little known story: the attempt to sell in Spain of an alleged stolen document of the Warren Commission in Paris by a mysterious character who signed as “Antillín Peris.”
The Warren Commissioncreated in 1963 by then President Lyndon B. Johnson, was the official agency in charge of investigating the murder of John F. Kennedy. His final report, published in 1964, concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald He acted only in the attack on the president in Dallas.
However, their findings have been subject to debate and conspiracy theories for decades, with critics who argue that the report omitted or manipulated key evidence. An alleged proof of that manipulation, which was not verified, reached Franco’s Spain.
The document in question, allegedly stolen and sold in Spain, could provide unpublished information or refute the official version of the Commission, said its author. The real identity of who offered the document, a such “Antillín Peris”, and the authenticity of the material remains a mystery.
According to the internal reports of the FBI and the Declassified CIA included in the publication of secret cables of this week, this individual sent in September 1964 a letter in Spanish from Barcelona to the United States ambassador to Spain, ensuring that he had in his possession information that compromised the official conclusions about the murder of John F. Kennedy and could be very harmful to his successor, Lyndon Johnson.
The documents, aimed at high controls of the FBI and the CIA in Paris and Madrid, show that intelligence services took the complaint seriously. The office in Paris sent the case to the high General Staff in Madrid to investigate who was “Antillín Peris” and how true its history was.
[Consulta aquí el documento íntegro]
According to the memorandum, the sender claimed to have obtained in Paris, with the help of «American friends»a document that had been stolen from the Warren Commission, which met in Washington.
More involved
Supposedly, there were others involved trying to sell the information to the director of Paris-Match, and even the British embassy in France seemed to be involved in the dissemination of that document.
However, research in Spain did not reach anything. The files confirm that there were no traces of “Antillín Peris” in Madrid and that the letter had been sent without return address, reinforcing the hypothesis that it was an alias. The episode was filed as another of the many false clues and conspiracy theories that surrounded Kennedy’s death and continued to feed the theory of a conspiracy of the deep state for decades.
Lee Harvey Oswald, alleged murderer of President JFK
This revelation confirms that, even in Spain, narratives were created around the assassination, just one year after the facts. The speed with which these theories were propagated demonstrates the global impact of the case and distrust in the official version, even in allied countries of the United States, such as Spain.
Five years later, another character linked to the JFK case reappears in the records: Richard Case Nagell, A former intelligence officer who claimed to have had prior knowledge of the murder and conspiracy to incriminate Lee Harvey Oswald. A secret document of March 1969 confirms that Nagell appeared at the American Consulate in Zurich, where he threatened to expose government secrets, television and the press if he did not get an answer before 5 in the afternoon.
But the most disturbing thing is that he disappeared immediately after making his threat. Three days later, the Consulate in Zurich received a notice from the US Consulate in Barcelona: Nagell had been in Spain and had made similar threats.
These documents reinforce the hypothesis that the conspiracy around Kennedy’s murder was not only an internal issue of the United States, but also had international ramifications, reaching Spain.
Nagell said that the CIA and the KGB knew about the plan to kill Kennedy and that he tried to avoid it. His passage through Spain in 1969, threatening to reveal secrets, suggests that he had information that could compromise government sectors.
Hunt paper in Spain
These are not the only episodes in which Spain appears in the documents about the murder of JFK declassified this week by Trump. For example, there is a long document, of almost fifty pages, with reports and memorandums related to the famous spy Edward Hunt and its steps in Madrid in the mid -1960s already early 1970s.
Hunt was one of the heavyweights of the CIA in the operations for government changes in Latin America, from the coup in Guatemala of 1954 to the failed invasion of Bay of pigs in Cuba in 1961. And it is placed – together with another agent, Frank Sturgis – in one of the theories that accuse the CIA of planning the murder of Kennedy.
In 1964, the US decided to send Hunt to Spain, where he arrived the following year, and where he stayed until 1966. In the documents revealed now, he slides that they did it to “cool” his situation, after having been involved in “domestic operations”, in relation to the follow -up he made to the one who was a republican candidate for the presidency of the US, Barry Goldwater.
In the document, activities related to the murder of JFK are not mentioned, which did not emerge until the 1970s, but there is doubt about whether they had to do with their march to Spain. In Madrid, according to the documents, Hunt was almost on vacation. He dedicated himself to «Play golf and write books» (He published dozens of espionage novels), according to the documents, for the Government. Then, he would get into many more trouble, such as the Watergate scandal, in which he was one of Richard Nixon’s ‘plumber’, in his attempt to try to avoid media leaks.
Spain also appears in other declassified documents now, such as the follow -up to the Cuba Ambassador in Madrid in early 1970, Orestes Guillermo Ruiz Perez Oa high exterior positions of Cuba, such as Sonia Gómez Aragón, in which meetings with Spanish personalities are detailed, such as the poet José Agustín Goytisolo. But in them there are no great revelations, for the moment, on the matter that captivates many in the US: to give or take pábulo to alternative theories about the murder of JFK.
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