The journalist and presenter Manel Fuentes premiered on March 1, on Antena 3, the program ‘¡¡Salta! ‘, A format adapted by Atresmedia that has already reaped great successes in places such as Netherlands or Hungary. A bridge, many questions and 50. … 000 euros. The thing promises and we take the opportunity to speak with sources about capital sins:
-I forgive a sin.
-You will have to forgive them because, at some point that another, I have been falling into all of them. Who tells you that he has not sinned is that he has not understood anything about human nature. Now, with this program format, I have been able to observe that, the different motivations of the human being, which moves us. Because in the end we move the passions and all people are different and they are our drives.
-But, among all, some will be your capital sin.
-Well, I would say that I have experienced more intensity. A few years ago I had a serious motorcycle accident and I had to be able to work and in bed for a long time, and he gave me for eating. It was not much more to do. I ate almost without knowledge, I kept eating. And, of course, to be able to recover the physical form, then it was not only enough to exercise, that it didn’t cost me much, I had to overcome that habit of eating almost uncontrolled. And that cost me more; I needed more willpower.
-The laziness, then, is not one of its sins.
-No, it is not. Another thing is that I have learned to allow me to rest, not to feel guilty for it.
-And which one that finds it easier to forgive in others?
-It doesn’t see anyone forgiving anyone; I prefer not to judge the acts of others. I understand, as I said before, that each person has their motivations to act or react in a certain way. If this of capital sins is nothing more than human nature itself. Notice that what I missed in this format, when I saw the emissions of other countries, it was precisely that it seemed a bit cold. A great program, a great, but cold program. He lacked something. And in this adaptation we have achieved that humanity, which links with what we talk about human motivations, of the passion that is in the end each sin.
-He is excited about the project, but that’s not sin.
-I’m very happy, yes. It is a great program.
-With a profession like yours and proud of your work, enjoying it, it must be complicated to keep superb at bay.
-I think that in this profession we are all a bit superb. The secret, I suppose, is not to exceed a limit.
-In this of sins, in the end, everything is a matter of moderation. But very irascible does not seem to me …
-No, I am not. The anger would not be my sin either. I have had moments, like everyone else. But over time one learns not to get too over by certain impulses.
-Novidia, greed?
-Well, the truth is that not much.
-And the lust?
-Of that capital sin, little. Right now I am in a very quiet family, very peaceful moment, which I enjoy very much. So lust, little. I have had my times, like everyone else, but this is not.
-Well, it seems that I haven’t been too sinful.
-Of all, but very little of each one.
-Absound, then, of all your sins.
-That thanks, sister.
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