They are still active in Chile, but the police have managed to advise hard blows. This Tuesday, March 11, a new trial against members of the dangerous Venezuelan organized crime band of Aragua begins at Arica, at the northern end of the country, … whose tentacles extend throughout the continent.
On this occasion, 12 members of the first cell of the organization that was identified and dismantled in Chile must face justice and respond for various crimes, including, among them Kidnapping with homicide, extortive kidnappings, Trafficking in people, drug and migrants trafficin addition to the crime of illicit association.
This group will join the 34 sentenced last week to a sum of 560 years in prison and that were part of ‘Los Gallegos’, an armed faction of the train that acted in northern Chile committing similar crimes.
The trial is expected to extend to at least 45 days, and as in the case of Galicians, the police must have taken careful measures to avoid Pressures on witnesses, complainants and fiscalwhich is why the process will be telematic.
The regional prosecutor of Tarapacá, Trinidad Steiner, said last week that this trial is one of the “most relevant cases in organized crime, since it was the first investigation that detected that members of the Venezuelan Megabanda Train de Aragua was operating in our country.” This happened in 2021, when no one knew about this transnational group and that today has been declared terrorist organization by Donald Trump.
The accused are isolated in different prison enclosures in the country to avoid their coordination and as in the Galician trial, to protect the more than 200 witnesses, the appearance will be one hundred percent online ‘.
“The idea is to avoid any possibility of escape from the accused or attack against those who will declare in the trial,” the prosecutor explained to the media.
The persecutor requests varied penalties for this cell, among which are high dangerous criminals such as Carlos González Vacaaka ‘star’, who would be one of the band’s leaders in the Chilean territory, and Hernán Landaeta Garlottiaka ‘Satan’, one of the main hitmen of the organization.
According to the star investigation, Héctor ‘Niño’ Guerrero, leader of the Aragua Train and who escaped in September 2023 of the Tocorón prison minutes before the eviction ordered by the Venezuelan government after the obvious complicity of the security forces with the prisoners. Only for this offender is a penalty of life imprisonment and 125 years of prison.
Police managed to prove that this group, specifically, took control of the Chile-Bolivia border and other sectors of the Arica and Parinacota region, leading the migrant traffic business, trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation and ketamine traffic.
The hard blow to this band allowed the second to command, Harol Ranegl Villaaka ‘Harol Petare’; to those in charge of the control of exploited women, Karialex González Marreroaka ‘La Kari’, and Luisa Moreno Rodríguezaka ‘the aunt’; To the soldiers Juan Carlos Blanco Berroteránaka ‘Juan Carlos’; Joel Henríquez Castilloaka ‘Joel’, Jhoblimer Vásquez Santanaalias ‘titi’, and Carlos Mendoza Gómezaka ‘Bambam’; Already those who dedicated themselves to the traffic of migrants and drugs, in addition to the kidnappings, Zeus Velásquez Aquinoaka ‘Zeus’, Juan José Trejoaka ‘eagle’, and Daniel Azuajeaka ‘cat’.
#great #trial #members #Aragua #Train #begins #Chile