The scarlet macaw is about to disappear: an endangered species native to Mexico and Central America

In a previous article we talked about the blue macaw, which inspired the Disney movie, Rio, was extinct in its natural habitat and can only be observed in captivity, now it has been revealed that the scarlet macaw, native to Central America, is in danger of disappearing.

Its scarlet plumage, like fire itself, contrasts with the lush green of its home. Unfortunately, this beautiful species is in danger of disappearing, a victim of illegal hunting, habitat destruction and other threats.

The scarlet macaw, whose scientific name is Ara macao, is distinguished by its considerable size, measuring up to one meter in length. Its plumage is mainly deep red, with yellow and blue tones on the wings and tail. Its face is bare of feathers, showing white skin around the eyes. Its beak is robust and bone-colored, and its legs are dark.

Two subspecies and an increasingly reduced habitat

There are two subspecies of scarlet macaw: Ara macao cyanoptera, which lives in Mexico and Central America, and Ara macao macao, present in South America. Originally, in Mexico it could be found in states such as Tamaulipas, Chiapas, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Tabasco and Campeche. However, Poaching and the loss of its habitat have drastically reduced its distribution, concentrating it mainly in the Lacandona Jungle.

Scarlet macaws are omnivores and their diet mainly includes seeds, bromeliads, new leaf stems and fruits. They reach sexual maturity between 3 and 4 years of age. They lay between one and three eggs per clutch and the young leave the nest at approximately three months of age.

Threats that put your survival at risk

The scarlet macaw is in danger of extinction due to various threats:

Looting of chicks and young and adult specimens: These birds are coveted for illegal pet trafficking and their trade on the black market.
Habitat destruction: The felling of trees and the conversion of forests into agricultural or livestock areas eliminates the home of these birds.
Predation: Scarlet macaw nests are vulnerable to attack by other species, such as monkeys and snakes.
Scarcity of nesting sites: The loss of habitat reduces the availability of places suitable for building nests, which generates competition between pairs.

Actions to save the scarlet macaw

It is essential to take urgent measures to protect the scarlet macaw and prevent its disappearance. Among the necessary actions are:

Strict application of laws: Illegal trafficking of these birds must be combated and those responsible must be punished.
Habitat protection: It is necessary to preserve the rainforests where scarlet macaws live.

Environmental education programs: The population must be made aware of the importance of conserving this species.

Research and monitoring: More studies are needed to better understand the ecology and threats faced by these birds.

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