Housing is possibly the biggest problem facing Spanish society today, and that is that the increase in prices both when buying and renting make citizens have to allocate the large part of their salary to this aspect.
Find an apartment in good condition, at an affordable price and that meets one’s expectations, has become a kind of game of throneswhere to the minimum decent offer that appears on the house rental platforms they fill in requests in a matter of minutes.
This is great news for the homemade, who know they are not going to lack candidates to enter their floor, but from the point of view of the tenants, this is a very worrying and complicated situation. And now he adds the problem that cybercriminals have set the number of people looking for a house, yearsStán exploiting websites as an idealist or finds your floor or similar, to scam people.
There are many The victims of scams in which they pay a sign to reserve a floor, which they have not seen, and out of nowhere, the homemade, announcement and even the floor disappear completely from the face of the earth, and This person runs out of floor and without money, and in most cases without solution Some to recover your floor.
Carlos Tamayo, producer of the recent winner of the Ondas for Best Documentary Prize, how to hunt a monster, now he is making a report on this type of scams of false rental floors, and He has shown the modus operandi of these scammers to deceive you.
As shown in the video, the scammers They never show you the floor in person, They claim that it is because they have too many requests and for them it is a waste of time to show it to all. Taking advantage of the situation in which most people are, The scammers take advantage of despair to get the hard and deny something as basic as seeing the floor in which you are going to live before renting it.
“Do not do anything, (if you do not trust) look for another floor and you save bad drinks,” says the scammer, “I am not going to insist, if you are sure that you want the floor, make the reservation.” In this way they have already hooked and playing with the letter that it has many applicants, make you act quickly and without thinking, so most people bite and They pay amounts exceeding 400 euros.
The problem comes later, and as Tamayo shows in his video, by attending the alleged floor you just reserved, most meet The unpleasant surprise that either that floor does not exist, or is from a person totally oblivious to the announcement from the floor. And as soon as you try to recriminate the scammer what happened, thisThey have already blocked you, have disappeared and very hardly you will know something about him and especially your money.
Keys to avoid floor rental scams
- Distrust of prices too lowYeahNote the market prices and if it is too low you should not trust.
- Verify the identity of the advertisante: pIde Property Tests and contrasts the information you have about that person.
- Suspicion of ads with poor quality or too generic photos: Whether they are little professional or because they are few, do not be afraid to ask for more, especially if they tell you that you cannot visit it.
- Do not pay anything in advance without visiting the floor, or deliver personal information: It is always crucial to see it before reserving anything, and if for what your schedules do not add up, that another person of trust for you visits it.
- Stay alert, trust your intuition and use common sense: sI find something suspicious or too good to be true, trust your intuition. It is better to prevent than regret.
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