This year it will be difficult for cleaning companies, since the reduction of the working day that the Government intends, plus an ankylose law of desindxation that will prevent the contracts with the administration with the rise to compensate for the rise to compensate for the rise … Salarial, they will make a wedge to the sector that will cost 545 million euros, according to the Professional Association of Cleaning Companies (Aspel). «The party will be paid by companies. The State pulls with gunpowder of the king »denounces ABC Juan Ignacio Beltrán, president of Aspel.
To contextualize the case, it must be explained that since 2015 the contracts signed by companies with the administration cannot even be reviewed in situations of exceptionality. With this measure, arising at a time when our country began to lift the head after an economic crisis that required a serious fiscal adjustment, the popular government at that time wanted to prevent public contracts from feeding inflation. However, the years have passed and more and more – including adding, the governing partner – those who want to end a corset that has impoverished many companies and increased the number of public contracts that remain deserted: in 2023 they were 19.3% of the tendered concessions, according to the Association of Construction companies and infrastructure concession.
With the permission of the builders, the cleaning points ways to be the great harmed, especially the large companies (actua. Ohl, Ilunion, etc.), whose billing depends on the public sector in a percentage that ranges between 60% and 80% for most of these firms, warns Aspel. Exactly, from this association they ensure that since the prohibition of reviewing contracts, the sector has lost around 225 million a year.
Add to this the growing labor costs, especially burdensome for a sector in which around 85% of the expense corresponds to labor. As progress has already been made, in 2025 the last rise of the SMI, which is preceded by successive increases in contributions, and a reduction of day that, if going ahead, will cause a hole of 320 million euros to cleaning companies (On a joint annual turnover of 12,500 million), according to Aspel.
That is, that “The same ones that cost you do not let you check,” Complaint Juan Ignacio Beltrán, who ensures that, even without the application of the new SMI or the reduction of working hours, in recent years, because of the Decindexation Law, many contractors have already been repeatedly forced to execute forced extensions with prices far removed from inflation or labor costs imposed by the Executive through successive regulatory reforms. “A time could come when public administrations will not find who provides services,” says Beltrán, which gives as an example what happened with the tender of MuFACE, in which the ‘plantation’ of the insurers has plunged the government into an unprecedented crisis and has forced him to propose a more economically juicy offer.
As has already been advanced, in the war against the desindxation the opinions of the employer coincide with those of the formation presided by Yolanda Díaz, a circumstance that is still remarkable since the usual the usual until now among these parts has been the frentism (case of the reduction of day). On February 4, adding what the PSOE has avoided so far by presenting a Proposition of law in the Congress of Deputies to link the SMI, the modifications in collective bargaining and other indicators that could affect wages to the amounts of public contracts. This “intermediate solution,” explains Beltrán, approaches the needs of companies.
Regarding the reduction of day, on the other hand, Aspel asks for the same as CEOE and all the employers in voice, that the government stops the parliamentary process of the reform And you feel to negotiate with companies and unions within the framework of social dialogue.
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