The King has chaired at the Royal Palace of El Pardo, the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Spanish Royal Academy Foundation, an act that has had the presence of the vice president of the Foundation and director of the RAE, Santiago Muñoz Machado, and the members of the Foundation, among which are regional presidents, managers of the main companies of the country and personalities of the academic world.
The meeting has served both to take a balance of what happened throughout 2024 and to present the strategic projects for the current year, by the hand of the director of the SAR, Santiago Muñoz Machado. The meeting began looking at America, when the conclusions of the most outstanding Pan -Hispanic activity were broken down: the next Cile (International Congress of the Spanish Language), which will be held in Arequipa, Peru, this year, and the Congress of the ASAL The incorporation, as a collaborating academy, of the JudeoSparial Academy or the preparation of a new corpus of the Asale are found.
Among the immediate Pan -Hispanic actions, the director of the SAR and President of the ASALE has indicated the incorporation of the institution into the works of the 22nd Ibero -American Judicial Summit, which will be held in the Dominican Republic in May of this year, where They will explain the advances and improvements of the works of the Pan -Hispanic Dictionary of legal Spanish and the construction of the Ibero -American legal platform.
He has also mentioned the participation of the Academy in the Congress of the International Association of Hispanics that will take place in Chile in July 2025; and the aforementioned preparation of the CILE of Arequipa, whose thematic lines will revolve around miscegenation, digital culture and artificial intelligence, and clear language.
Santiago Muñoz Machado has also announced the centenary this 2025 of the 15th edition of the Spanish Language Dictionary (DLE), as well as the commemoration of the Tricentennial of the Dictionary of Authorities In 2026, coinciding with the Ibero -American Summit of Heads of State and Government of Spain. In addition, during the current year, eight institutional visits of the director of the RAE are planned to different American countries, as well as the continuity of the ASALA program of formative collaboration scholarships, which currently are formed simultaneously 66 fellows of all the Spanish language academies around the world.
The director of the Academy has also highlighted various actions framed in the Bogotá agreement, including a series of efforts to achieve a permanent headquarters of the American Academy of the Spanish Language in the US, as well as a new headquarters for the Bolivian Academy of Language. In addition, it works on the design of a strategic action for the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the independence of the United States.
During the Board of Trustees, other immediate activities and projects of the SAR have also been exposed, such as the culmination of the current phase of the Leia project (Spanish language and artificial intelligence) in the first semester of 2025 or the preparation of the exhibition ‘Los Machado. Family portrait ‘, which arrives at the SAR in April and around which a series of conferences and activities will be carried out, among which an act in which Antonio Machado’s entrance speech will be read in the Academy will be read , in April 2025, something that never happened in the life of the poet and elected academic.
During the meeting this afternoon the rest of the imminent publications have also been advanced. The Royal Spanish Academy is working in commemorative editions on Federico García Lorca and César Vallejo, in editions of the SAR Classical Library (BCRAE) and in the publication of the first three volumes of the Pocket Collection, with Miguel de Cervantes as the protagonist : ‘Don Quijote de la Mancha’, ‘Internetsses’ and ‘La Galatea’.
In addition, in this 2025 the progress of the Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Language will see the light, with ten volumes, as well as the synonym dictionary; and the final preparation of the 24th edition of the Spanish Language Dictionary will be carried out, which will be presented in 2026.
The Panhispanic Network of Claro and Accessible Language will continue to have an outstanding role within academic works and in July its second convention is scheduled. The first, whose closure was chaired by his Majesty the king, took place last spring in the SAR, which holds the Permanent Secretariat of the Network. Currently, more than 400 institutions and entities around the Spanish -speaking world are part of this initiative.
Committee for America
Within the framework of the Board of Trustees, the Constitution of the Committee for America, the cooperation body in relation to the pro-RAE Foundation in American countries in order to accompany it to the Pan-Hispanic action of the SAR. The Committee will collaborate with the Foundation advising on projects and actions that contribute to the protection of the unity and diversity of our language.
On the other hand, the meeting has also been detailed the progress of the Plan for the incorporation of friends of the SAR, an initiative of the Pro-Rae Foundation whose purpose is to increase the involvement and support of society for the purposes of the Academy and , therefore, to the development, evolution and expansion of Spanish.
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