The public slows with boos the anti -vaccine messages of a negation chirigota at the Falla de Cádiz Theater

A “out of the fault” cry stopped on Sunday night at the main theater of Cádiz that incredulous messages with climate change and vaccines of a chirigota could sound in the official carnival contest. In a contest that is broadcast live on radio and television and where there is no previous review of the repertoires everything is possible. So some denialists had joined to take advantage of the contest speaker to publicize what they called “the truth.” But the public did not allow it. His boos and songs sounded stronger.

Catalina Balber, known as Katy Balber, linked to the ultra -right party ‘Libres’, announced months ago her idea of ​​creating a chirigota in the Cádiz Carnival contest to, from it, launch diatribes against vaccines and about environmental conspiracies. He registered with the name of ‘Open his eyes’, with herself and Antonio Jesús Martín Mateo as authors. He announced that they came to bother to question the official versions.

The public of the fault, unlike previous years where a generalized boo before an inappropriate or low repertoire of quality could cause the closure of the curtain, is now benevolent with the groups regardless of their quality or their ideas. It usually applauds to the right and left, and respects even participants who do not even reach the minimum level, as happened last week with a Ciudad Real quartet. But the negation chirigota was waiting with expectation for having made that previous announcement to use the failure as an ideological strategy.

The curtain was opened and tragedy mascat. The group was presented with some sperm costumes: a “doggy”, some wealthy with costumes made of ticket fabric, a bat, some unidentifiable characters, a patient in a bed and several doctors, one of them, the one who carried the hype , without even taking off his coat with which he had reached the theater of the street. The presentation, which in a chirigota is usually musical, started with an uncomfortable speech of the well -known Basque humorist, Óscar Terol, seen in ‘goes weekly’, which has also become accustomed to throwing messages against vaccines. His intervention was the first to receive boos.

The situation was not improving. With the music of ‘I will resist’ of the dynamic duo they tried to start their repertoire. The public respected with a single one of one of the components that was dressed in those pilots who supposedly fumigate the clouds. But his complaints were increased when the group began to sing together without much success. From there, none of his messages could be heard.

The Chirigota continued to sing its two pasodobles, its cupurés and its potpourri, as the contest regulation marks. He did it by holding the pressure of an audience that shouted “out of the failure”, “down the curtain”, and “this is Cádiz, here you have to breastfeed.” He also sang other couplets with such force that, at times, some components of the Chirigota began to follow the public, instead of their own repertoire. The jury did not succumb to the screams. As explained later, the current regulation of the contest prevents the curtain from lowering a group that is fulfilling the bases, no matter how much spectators prevent their performance, as was happening.

The complete embarrassment reached the end. Before finishing, one of the guitarists left for bambalins. Some of the components laughed. Another, a minor, began to cry inconsolated, overwhelmed by the boos. The director blamed the public of those tears and regretted that this “boycott” and “attack on freedom of expression.” Already, later, he explained to the media that they interviewed it that the group did not sound better because one of the components, “a Trojan horse”, had betrayed them and abandoned, which forced them to have to look for components at the last hour.

The group was also booed at the exit of the theater. Neither on television nor on radios nor within the theater the negation messages of the Chirigota could sound that believed that the Carnival of Cádiz could be the perfect place for their proclamations. In this case, as with the Napoleonic troops, the public of the Falla saved from the bombs to the carnival and was made tirabuzons with the bluffs.

#public #slows #boos #anti #vaccine #messages #negation #chirigota #Falla #Cádiz #Theater

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