The economic crimes prosecutor Julián Salto, who filed the complaint for tax fraud against Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner, stated in his statement as a witness in the Supreme Court that there was “no secret” in the emails that were exchanged with the defense of Alberto González Amador and for whose dissemination the State Attorney General is being investigated.
“There is no private information, there is no secret. “It is simply a negotiation,” said Salto, referring to the messages that were exchanged with the businessman’s lawyer, who sent him his client’s confession and a proposed agreement in which he recognized two tax crimes to avoid his imprisonment. .
The economic crimes prosecutor testified on January 16 as a witness in the case opened against the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, for the alleged dissemination to the press of one of the emails from that chain, which according to the lawyers of González Amador could constitute a crime of revealing secrets. Salto, however, considered in his appearance that it was “an exchange of emails without any significance.” “As long as they do not ratify it before a judge, this alleged offer is worthless to us,” he asserted, according to the documentation to which has had access.
That same day, the head of the Prosecutor’s Office in the Community of Madrid, Almudena Lastra, also appeared, who expressed her suspicions that the leak of González Amador’s confession came from the Public Ministry. “That’s not important now,” he said García Ortiz replied.
On the other hand, the interrogations reveal that there was a contradiction between the two in relation to the moment in which they shared information about the existence of those emails between the Prosecutor’s Office and the defense of Ayuso’s partner. According to Lastra, prosecutor Salto informed him on March 12—shortly after uncovered the case—of the existence of those emails, after both participated together with provincial prosecutor Pilar Rodríguez—also investigated—in a meeting with senior officials of the Community of Madrid. “On the 12th, Julián [Salto] Pilar tells us [Rodríguez] (…) that the lawyer has addressed him and also tells us that it is Neira that we all know because he handles many financial matters,” Lastra stated.
The prosecutor acknowledged that he was at that meeting, which had the objective of advancing the digital criminal file in the provincial prosecutor’s offices. But he assured that that day neither Lastra nor Rodríguez asked him about his “relations” with González Amador’s lawyer nor did they have “any conversation” about that matter. “The first accounting that they require of me on this matter is March 13, at nine thirty or ten minutes to twenty.” [de la noche]. Until then, no one asks me about the existence of those emails,” he stated.
The information from El Mundo was “a lie” and was “manipulated”
On the night of March 13, prosecutor Pilar Rodríguez requested those emails from Salto with the aim of having all the information to deny information from El Mundo that offered a distorted version of those communications. The newspaper stated that the Prosecutor’s Office had offered a deal to the businessman and not the other way around, as had actually happened. During his statement in the Supreme Court, Salto described this news as a “lie.” “That news is a lie, obviously it is a lie, it is manipulated,” he stated.
Lastra, for his part, stated that at 8:26 p.m. on March 13 he received a call from the press chief of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Community of Madrid in which he informed him that “a specific journalist from a very important media outlet informed him that the chief of staff of the president of the Government of the Community of Madrid [Miguel Ángel Rodríguez] “He is telling the media that the Prosecutor’s Office has offered an agreement to Mr. González Amador and that he has received orders from superiors not to reach that agreement.”
That, according to Lastra, was information that did not fit reality, so he determined that it had to be “denied.” “What we stopped was that false information that they told us the chief of staff of the president of the Community of Madrid was conveying.”
Lastra, in fact, stated in his statement that the initiative to “deny” that news was his: “Because also throughout the night it was published, in fact I think it was first published in El Mundo, then this gentleman published [Miguel Ángel Rodríguez] on Twitter.” Then he added that he told the press chief of the Madrid Prosecutor’s Office that they should wait to see the route he had: “To the press chief, at 10 midnight I said, look, Íñigo, I am not a journalist, I am not a politician, I am the superior prosecutor of Madrid and, therefore, I am going to go to dinner and tomorrow we will see how this has progressed and we will evaluate what we are going to do, because we will have to see.”
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