Return to the prices of almost three years ago in the Community of Madrid, without prior notice. The vote against the discounts on transport passes carried out this Wednesday by the Congress of Deputies automatically causes the discounts to decline and, barring a last-minute surprise, their prices will suddenly lose the 60% subsidy.
The loss of the discounts comes due to the vote against the measure by PP, Junts and Vox, which have rejected the Government decree that also included the increase in pensions and other measures.
In this way and without any news throughout the day, prices will return to their normal prices without discounts starting this Thursday, January 23. That is, transport pass A will cost 54.60 euros and the ten-trip pass will cost 12.20 euros instead of the current 6.10 euros.
These will be the prices without discount for transport in the Community of Madrid:
This newspaper has addressed the Community of Madrid to ask if it maintains its part of the discount, since it currently covers 30% of the aid while the Ministry of Transport pays the other 30% through the subsidy that has been removed today. At the moment there has been no response from the Ayuso Government.
The one who has confirmed the end of the discounts has been the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, who has attributed the rise in prices to the “irresponsibility” of the right: “Starting tomorrow (Thursday) the legal support that They had public transport aid and, therefore, users of buses, suburban trains, trains, etc., will have to pay the full amount of the ticket or the full price of the voucher in accordance with what existed before the entry into force of this measure”, he summarized.
What Óscar Puente has clarified is that the end of the discounts does not apply to those who already have the subscription in force. “The subscriptions already taken out have generated a right and those will be able to be used,” he said. “Anyone who has a subscription already purchased, in advance, is worth it. What will no longer be possible is to acquire tickets tomorrow at the price, or transport tickets, at the price they had with the bonuses.”
The PP’s decision to end discounts at the national level contrasts with the party’s opinion at the regional and local level. Both Almeida from the capital and Ayuso in the Community had shown the need to continue paying for aid to public transport, especially at a time of abundant traffic cuts due to works.
“It would be bad news if the bonuses stopped being applied,” said the Mobility delegate of the capital’s City Council last October, demanding that the Ministry of Transport extend the aid, which it later granted. But the PP, the party in which Carabante is a member, later overthrew them in Congress.
The Government decree that lost the vote in Congress included extending the public transport discounts approved to cushion the rise in fuel prices from 2022 due to the war in Ukraine. It was scheduled to be valid until the summer, when the Ministry of Transport will implement a subscription for all Cercanías trains for 20 euros per month.
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