Isabel García Sanz, president of the Spanish Federation of Rescue and Rescuerismo, has announced her decision not to appear to re -election and leave office after twenty years. He has made it public in an extensive letter in which he attacks harshly against … The Higher Sports Council (CSD), which accuses of blocking its management in recent years for denouncing irregularities in the processing of the subsidies granted by said body.
García Sanz, who in principle planned to attend the elections for a sixth mandate, renounces it due to what he considers unfair and arbitrary practices in the management of the CSD. Among them, he denounces an unequal distribution of subsidies and the lack of support for non -Olympic or little media federations. He assures that having denounced him has led the CSD to punish rescue and lifeguard.
«We are the spearhead that has faced it and, by force of verifying reality, we have paid it in the last six years, in which we are at the lowest level of ordinary subsidy by the Superior Sports Council , although this, to bass drum and saucer, talk that we are faced with ‘a record investment in sport’, he writes in his letter García Sanz.
A few week ago, the Federation of Rescue and Saporrismo resorted to a last resolution of the CSD, which, in his opinion, would serve to “cure the letter, to its letter, of course, the possibility of obtaining subsidies from this agency.”
In the resource, rescue and lifeguard argues that the contested resolution exceeds the competences of the CSD and violates various norms, including the Constitution itself. He explains that the agency chaired by José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes intends to impose arbitrary conditions on federations for the granting of subsidies and intervene in their internal management, which, in his opinion, violates its principle of autonomy.
“The path that has undertaken the Higher Sports Council only takes steps for the disappearance of the federated world, as we know, or at least, of the federations that do not serve their political objectives, in the most ruin sense of the term” , continues in his letter Isabel García Sanz, who denounces misinformation and clientelism in Spanish sports policy, favoring certain federations while leaving aside others.
The former president also directs directly to the general deputy director of High Performance of the CSD, Aitor of the Canibe, to disseminate false information in a meeting with presidents presidents. According to his complaint, he affirmed that the delay in the payment of subsidies was due to allegations presented by the Federation of Rescue and Safolrismo, which, according to Garcia, was proved false over time.
In his farewell, García Sanz highlights the advances achieved in his management, such as the professionalization of the Federation, the creation of new categories, the eradication of violence in competitions and the signing of international agreements, such as that achieved with Australia. In addition, it emphasizes that in recent years the economic resources of the Federation have grown by 82.73 %, six times more than the average of the Spanish sports federations.
Without her in the race for the Presidency, Elisa Aguilar, president of the Spanish Basketball Federation, stays like the only woman in charge of a Spanish Sports Federation.
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