Under the false premise of the freedom of choice of families – who are not asked if their sons and daughters should study English, mathematics, geography or language – the Department of Education directed by the controversial José Antonio Rovira (PP) has Scheduled between February 25 and March 4 the consultation to choose the base language of the Valencian educational centers. Around 570,000 families of students studying from the second cycle of Infant to Third of the ESO are called to participate in this ‘macro -convest binding’ pioneer throughout the Valencian territory.
The popular justify this measure, which has received many criticism from different sectors of the educational community – family, teachers, municipal school councils …– as well as by institutions such as the Diputación de Valencia (despite being governed by the party Popular) or opposition parties (PSPV and Compromís), in the fulfillment of their electoral program. “One of the main milestones of this legislature is the recovery of freedoms in the educational field,” said President Carlos Mazón in the presentation of the campaign for the dissemination of the consultation, while recalling that this was one of the commitments Electorals of the Popular Party.
However, the initiative is judicialized, as well as with the so -called educational ‘freedom’ law. The Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJCV) has given four days to the Generalitat Valenciana to present allegations to the request for precautionary suspension of the consultation of the base language formulated by Cultural Action of the Country Valencia (ACPV), Famílies Pel Valencia and Russafa families. The recurring entities, whose application for precautionary suspension of the procedure has not been accepted, base their request on the fact that the Law of Educational Freedom ‘, from which the consultation derives, is appealed before the Constitutional Court. UGT – Ensenyament Serveis public of the country Valencià has also filed another appeal before the Superior Court of Justice to request the cancellation of the consultation on the base language in the educational system.
The Public Ensenyament Platform has convened, for next Saturday, February 22, mobilizations in the three capitals (Alicante, Castelló and Valencia) to show its rejection of the consultation. The entity considers that it is “a threat” for the school model in Valencian and “puts at risk” the use of Valencian as a vehicular language, nor does it guarantee the right of students to be able to study in Valencian, that the Consell “tries to dismantle ” “The Valencian is part of our particular identity and wealth; It is the inheritance of our ancestors and we must transmit it to future generations, ”insists the platform, which defends that public administrations must guarantee teaching in Valencian,” as indicated by the Llei d’ús i Ensenyament del Valencià. ”
The educational community has also denounced censorship and pressures to those centers that promote Valencian as a base language, as is the case of an olive school. However, the Minister Rovira said that his department is “absolutely neutral” and that there have been “no coercion, threats, or pressures,” while recalling that the centers “have the obligation to keep impartiality in any process” according to any process “according to The basic statute of the public employee.
The Ministry enabled the period of allegations to the consultation in full Christmas vacations, which raised new criticisms between the educational community, which insisted on denouncing the intention of Rovira and the Consell of “cornering” one of the two co -official languages - the one that It has a lower social use, since Castilian and Valencian do not start on equal terms – and to go against the Llei d’Us i terenyament of Valencia. In addition, they insisted that with the consultation and application of the new Educational Law approved by PP and Vox “the presence of 50% of the Valencian in the classroom is not ensured and the students of the Spanish -speaking areas are discriminated against.”
Mazón, who presumed to “recover” a spirit of linguistic consensus that does not exist, pointed out that from the result of the consultation and the “expressed will of families”, how many groups of each language are in each center and course will be determined ; While Rovira explained that, depending on the demand in both languages, “the possibility of doing more groups could be done.” These statements contrast with reality, since the Department of Education is difficult to comply with the resolution of the TSJCV that forces him to apply the template agreement that he must incorporate into around 1,900 teachers. And all this, adducing budgetary issues.
Information about the consultation, in the centers
After the publication of the Order of the Department of Education, Culture, Universities and Employment in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat (Dogv), each center must facilitate each student two documents: a copy of the annex of the order in bilingual format , with the basic information and dates about the consultation; and the individual record of the student that contains the data to vote and the information of the parents that appears in the census.
Likewise, schools and institutes may also complementarily inform through their telematic platforms, and have the obligation to advertise the order on their advertisements and web.
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