The Popular Party has asked the European Commission to analyze the hiring of the government’s president for alleged favor of favor in public employment and violation of the principles of equality and impartiality in the administration. In a parliamentary question, the spokeswoman of the PP in the European Parliament and Vice President of the PPE, Dolors Montserrat, has raised “the need to examine the possible creation of an ad hoc position for David Sánchez Pérez-Castejón by a public administration.”
To do this, Montserrat recalls articles 9 and 10 of the European Union Treaty, and article 61 of the EU Financial Regulations, which establish the principles of equality, impartiality in the public administration and prevention of conflicts of interest. In addition, it emphasizes that article 298 of the TFUE regulates the principle of good administration in the public service.
The Civil Guard agents have detected up to a total of 329 communications that former Moncloa advisor Luis Carrero maintained with David Sánchez between 2022 and 2024, the year in which the advisor was formally hired in the Diputación de Badajoz. Judge Beatriz Biedma charges new crimes of influence peddling and prevarication, recalls the PP in their statement.
Taking into account that “Corruption is one of the sections of the annual report on the rule of law”, Montserrat wanted to transfer all the information from the case to Brussels. In this sense, he asks the commission if directly benefiting the president’s brother is a violation of the principle of administrative impartiality and what measures plan to adopt the commission to ensure that the Government of Spain respects the principle of equal access to public employment, in compliance with article 45 of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the EU and Article 4 of Directive 2000/78/EC, which prohibits the treatment of favor in public procurement.
“President Sánchez shows us every day, scandal scandal, which constantly tramples the rules of good governance and democratic values that define us as European. The favor treatment is unacceptable in the public administration. The commission invests many resources and time in the fight against influence peddling And corruption and this case is a very clear example of what should not be done, ”he said.
Dolors Montserrat has also asked the commission if you will request information from the Government to determine whether the Spanish regulations meets European impartiality standards in access to public employment Or there has been a violation of the principle of transparency in human resources management in the administration.
This complaint occurs after this week the European Parliament Petitions Commission analyzed two requests to study the violations of the rule of law in Spain and the erosion of high institutions by the Government of Pedro Sánchez. Specifically, on Tuesday, two requests related to the restrictions provided by the Government against popular action were analyzed and in April the fund of the matter will be addressed within the framework of the Eurocamara Freedom Commission.
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