Waste of public money and mismanagement of the PP and Vox government in Valencia. This has been reported by Compromís, which also adds that the catastrophe has been used as a pretext to give free money “to companies related to the extreme right.” Specifically, the Valencian spokesperson Papi Robles considers the survey commissioned by the deputy mayor Juanma Badenas on the impact of DANA on the city’s parks and gardens to be nonsense and “botched.” The study, to which elDiario.es has had access (complete at the end of the information) has not been made public and according to Robles the Government team is obliged to publish it. And, according to the spokesperson for Compromís, “the mayor of València, María José Catalá, has preferred to hide the results, probably because the study itself is a botch and because of the bad results that are thrown at her management of the tragedy.” .
As elDiario.es reported, the spokesperson for the far-right party and councilor responsible for Parks and Gardens Juan Manuel Badenas awarded a survey for 15,000 euros to Target Point SL, a company that has carried out electoral polls for media such as Libertad Digital or The Debate. It also commissioned another study from the same company for an amount of 16,879.50 euros, including VAT, on employment quality and work-life balance, matters that it also manages.
When asked by this newspaper, Badenas assured that in the coming days the study that the company delivered at the end of December will be presented: “The Park and Gardens technicians are analyzing the study so that when we have the concrete conclusions we will carry out a press conference in an exercise of maximum transparency.”
Among others, as explained by the councilor of the formation, Sergi Campillo, it is not true that it is a real study on the effects of DANA in the city’s parks and gardens because 97% of those surveyed do not live in any affected area. Due to the catastrophe, only 3% of the people they asked live in one of the affected districts. To these questions, only 27% of those surveyed consider that the cleaning of parks and gardens is good or very good after DANA, and only 22% consider themselves well informed about the emergency measures implemented. That is, “citizens censure the municipal management of DANA by the government of María José Catalá,” says the Compromís councilor.
Furthermore, Sergi Campillo points out that “they ask questions that have nothing to do with DANA and that are biased, such as about the plague of the melias mealybug, asking people what they think should be done with the affected trees, as if everything the population of Valencia were experts in the matter. In another they ask about the settlements of homeless people, most of them immigrants, under some bridges in the Turia Garden and about whether or not they should evict the people who live there as refugees. By the way, as the councilor highlights, “the people’s preferred response is to leave these people alone until they are given a decent solution. Our city is much better than the ultra Catalan government.” Specifically, 38% support the option of leaving the settlements while a dignified solution is sought, compared to almost 34% who think that they should be “evicted and avoided.”
In this regard, Badenas has stated, linking immigration with insecurity, that “the Vox councilors are most interested in the safety and lives of people and we are going to do everything possible so that in all the spaces controlled by Vox the safety and lives of people is the objective to preserve” and he has wondered if Compromís is not concerned about this aspect and has insisted that he does not like crimes being committed in the city and even less so in parks and gardens.

Compromís also questions some questions that “are ambiguous or absurd in themselves, such as, for example, when it is repeatedly asked about a storm that never took place in the city of València, it did not rain in the city, what the towns of the region suffered. south was the flood derived from a ravine.” Others, as the Valencian coalition denounces, “are questions to justify the positions of VOX and the councilor that have nothing to do with DANA.”
Spokesperson Papi Robles assures that “all this would be ridiculous if it were not for the fact that they are paying for it with the money of all Valencians.” In this sense, he considers that “if Mr. Badenas wants to do an electoral study or justify his racism based on a survey, he should pay for it.” Furthermore, for Compromís, the fact that this is the only demographic study that the Valencia City Council has carried out on its management of the DANA “is a mockery.” For Robles, “having spent 15,000 euros on this is throwing money away. There are areas of València truly affected by DANA where they still do not have an elevator, such as Sociópolis, in the district of La Torre, where people are climbing twenty floors on foot. In the garden, there are farmers who have lost thousands of euros in crops and rice growers who will not be able to harvest rice in one or two seasons.”
For this reason, he urges Catalá to “instead of hiding from the investigation commission and spending public money on botched things like this survey, dedicate herself to fixing the elevators, helping to clean the basements, or lending a hand to the farmers.” . And if you want to know the real opinion of citizens about your management, commission an Infobarometer from the municipal service and ask if they were agile in their response or if the deaths were avoidable or not.”
#Vox #hide #survey #parks #Valencia #evict #homeless #immigrants