Aesthetic treatments have become every day’s bread in the world of beauty. Any concern we have regarding our face has the possibility of being improved or eliminated. There are treatments to eliminate spots, to clean the skin in depth, to combat acne … and, of course, to modify our face.
It is evident that injectables have meant a before and after for aesthetic medicine, and there is no one left who has not heard of what can be achieved with a landfill of hyaluronic acid or with neuromodulators such as Botox, which allows temporarily to paralyze The muscles and thus fight wrinkles. However, these products, although in the hands of a good doctor they can give notable results, in the wrong ones it can produce … aliens. That is the term used by the aesthetic doctor María G. Gutiérrez in the fourth and last chapter of ‘The Dilemma of the perfect bodies (IM).
The doctor takes this word of the British Steven Harrisalso doctor of aesthetic medicine, which coined the meaning of ‘alienization’. Have you noticed that there are now many celebrities who have the same type of marked cheekbones, too stuffed lips, hyper -projective chin … features that make them all have a fairly similar face? That is what alienization would be: the creation of facial characteristics that are not achieved organically. María G. Gutiérrez explains it: «All faces are the same and are aliens because they have a hyper -projective chin, supermarked cheekbones, lips with a verticality that is impossible to get normally, are the lips of the Bratz wrist. All that is unnatural, and we don’t have to pursue that. In the same way that we criticize when a patient puts a xxl mammary prosthesis that does not fit his body, because the same ».
This alienization connects with another phenomenon, on which the American journalist Jia Tolentino investigated: the ‘Instagram Face’. Retouched faces following the fashions based on Instagram through the controversial filters, and that have fired the number of eyebrows raised to the sky, the fleshy lips, the gorditos cheekbones. But is it possible that we all end the same face if we make any aesthetic retouching? Dr. Gutiérrez is clear about it: «I think that if we go with a good professional whose maximum is to maintain the naturalness of the patient, this will not happen. But if we go to a series or pommel mass factory, skewer here, and all the same, because we will end up with those alienated faces, which are all exactly the same ».
If you want to know even more about our face obsession, you just have to listen to episode 4 of ‘The perfect bodies (IM). All episodes, already available on and on all audio platforms: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Ivoox, Podimo and Amazon Music. Also available in YouTube.
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