“When I leave TV I will return to Burgos as a farmer.” Actor, presenter, theater businessman, university professor …Carlos Sobera It is clear where he intends to go retire. Born in Baracaldo in 1960, he is one of the most popular faces in the history of television in our country.
The now driver of ‘First Dates’, one of Mediaset’s most emblematic programs, despite being Basque has a predilection for Burgosand more specifically for a town from which their family comes: Slab buckets.
Without even having a fixed date to retire, the mythical presenter of ‘Survivors’ is clear about his next steps in life: return to town where every summer of their childhood passed and youth.
A town with 22 inhabitants
A very small town, since according to the latest data from the National Statistics Institute has 22 inhabitants. It belongs to the region of Las Merindades, to the Judicial Party of Villarcayo and the City Council of Traslaloma Board.
The main tourist attraction is the Church of San Juan Bautistaone of the best representations of Romanesque art in the area.
Slab buckets
«We arrived at Cubillos at the end of June. At that time we were going by bus to Quintanilla from Pienza and from there we did the four kilometers with my father carrying boxes on his shoulder. That was post -war Spain! I remember that all of cow, smell of goat and sheep and that the water had to go to look for it to the source, ”they recognized last June in a diary bourgeois on the occasion of being the one that launched the boot of the parties of this town 94 kilometers from the Burgos capital.
Over time, they bought a house in Medina de Pomara town also around, in which his mother, 97, the months of July and August now resides. “I always say that the day I have 75 or 80 years I would like to have a little house in the field, grow some little things, have a couple of cows and ride in a car with ox to take a walk,” confesses the presenter, married to Patricia Santamarina Since 2015 and father of a daughter, Natalia, who was born in 2008.
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