Enrique Bueres, who likes to be called an Asturian journalist based in Madrid, has just published ‘Lo Proprio y lo Ajeno’, a very appropriate title for a chronicle of his adventures as a cultural journalist during the first two years of the 2000s in Madrid. with luxury getaway in Lisbon and mystical-modern vision in NYCas is typical of the mythology of our generation years more, years less.
It is presented with a prologue ofDavid Trueba, who says of himself that he continues to be an intruder in the literary galaxy, come on, what until recently was called the ointment and in French ‘le milieu’, as if it were not admitted due to his condition as a filmmaker and without falling taking into account that what in Madrid we call the ointment is still a medley of men of letters that they do not give up their status as survivors and that if they have not liked someone, it is likely that there is resentment lurking there: being a filmmaker and marrying Ariadna Gil must have seemed like the last straw for such a guy to want to be a recognized writer on top of that.

Enrique Bueres -
Renaissance -
2025 -
169 -
18.90 euros
The epilogue was written by Pepe Colubi, another Asturian who is a close friend of Bueres, after all they have lent their houses and that leaves a deep mark. Colubi’s text is a very nice chronicle of those years in which Bueres cavorted at book presentations and took Colubi to them from time to time, this before he was a well-known comedian and at that time the author of an unknown novel, later called ‘California 83’.
I read the book in one sitting, and when I say straight through I mean reading without breaks to go to the bathroom or treat yourself to a coffee or a little liquor. I mean start the book and read and read until the last page. And this only happened to me once before in my life: it was with the reading of ‘Quo Vadis?’I was eight years old and had eyes like firebrands and my mother who ripped the book out of my hands in time for something to happen to my eyesight.
I read the book in one sitting, I mean reading without pausing to go to the bathroom or treat yourself to a coffee or a little liquor.
And I also say that rarely have I been given so much pleasure when reading cultural chronicles. Bueres has the faculty of a good impressionist, like Baroja or Simenon, in a few strokes he is capable of describing an environment.
Those described here, from the presentation at the FNAC of ‘Therapy’, by Ariel Dorfman, a bete noire of Bueres and which places him at the same level as what happens to Trapiello with Edward Hopper to that of a collection of sonnets by Joaquín Sabina presented at the Student Residence by Ángel González, Luis García Montero, Caballero Bonald, Benjamín Prado, Francisco Brines passing through a visit to ARCOa meal with the Espasa Prize winner, José María Calleja, at the Ritz or a party at El bandido doubly armed, the Soledad Puértolas bookstore café on the occasion of a book by José María Merino…
This is what corresponds to the prose part of the world, which would say Hegel. Behind, almost unnoticed, hides the constant tribute to his partner Marta Reyero, a very intelligent journalist who at that time presented the Canal + Plus news program, almost its true protagonist. A very beautiful book.
#Enrique #Bueres #passing #ointment