As usual each March 19in Spain the so -called Father’s Day is celebrated, a moment that is used to honor the father figure, and that coincides with the festival of San José, which only remains as a holiday in Murcia and the Valencian Community, where thousands of localities, in addition, celebrate the big day of the failures, with the burning of the NINOTS.
But not in all parts of the world, Father’s Day is celebrated just before the entrance of spring, and this is due to different origins, and if it obeys a religious or civil tradition more.
The origin of Father’s Day in Spain
In Spain, Father’s Day is celebrated every March 19 and this is due to the Catholic religious tradition by coinciding with the day of San José. It was decided to choose for being the saints of the Puriative Father of Jesus, and currently they also follow him in places such as Portugal, Italy and some of Latin America.
Father’s Day celebration is due to a professor from a school in a neighborhood in Madrid. Manuela Vicente Ferrero In 1948 he proposed this holiday after he received complaints from parents who also wanted their children to make details as it happened on Mother’s Day, which then took place on December 8 for the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
With this, the teacher wrote an article in The Spanish teaching With the idea of celebrating Father’s Day on March 19 and encouraged other schools to continue with this holiday as a tribute to parents.
Father’s Day and its origin in Anglo -Saxon countries
But Father’s Day is not celebrated worldwide on March 19, having another date, for example, in the Anglo -Saxon culture and in some Latin American countries The third Sunday of June takes place, and in the Scandinavian countries The second Sunday of November.
The origin of the Father’s Day celebration has its antecedent after a mining accident that occurred in 1908 in which many parents died. So Grace Golden Claytondaughter of a minister, proposed that he tribute to the father figure after this event, but the measure was not well received for considering that having his own day was a woman’s thing.
However, just a year later, Sonora Smart Dodd He asked that a Sunday in June be reserved to honor the figure of the fathers based on the meetings of Mother’s Day. She was a father’s admirer, a civil war veteran, who had cared for her and her brothers after her mother died when she gave birth.
It would not be until 1972 when Richard Nixon He approved a law in the United States Congress and turned the day into a national holiday, which followed the wake that had begun Woodrow Wilson At the beginning of the century at the beginning of celebrations in the country in June 1910.
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