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@Montagut | Very shortly before the fundamentals were signed Madrid Pacts between USA and Spain (September 1953), because they represented a true support for the Franco regimean article appeared in the Spanish press in The Voice of Albacete (number of the 17th), an afternoon newspaper, sent from the North American capital Ubaldo de León, where an analysis was made of the “two faces of American Freemasonry” in relation to Catholicism. It is an example of the anti-Masonism reigning in Franco’s regime. What is striking is that it did not seem like an opportune moment to publish an article that exuded a certain “anti-Americanism”, but, at the end of the day, it was against Freemasonry and that was a topic that always gave a lot of play in the Franco regime. In any case, the article seems a bit confusing, and full of old clichés.
American Freemasonry defined itself as deist and many were even Christians, the “secret organization” was at that time proposing persecutory objectives towards Catholicism.
The article wanted to demonstrate the influence of North American Freemasons in international organizations, an idea that the Franco regime had been defending since the creation of the UN. If one paid attention to their magazines, one could verify that North American Freemasonry aspired to carry out an anti-Catholic policy in a way similar to that which the communists had developed in Europe in their day, that is, it seemed that there was agreement of objectives between the Freemasonry of the first Western and capitalist power on earth and the communists. This idea was not new, of course, although the Franco regime would take it almost to a paroxysm, despite the enormous difficulty of uniting these two worlds so opposed to each other.
The article explained that American Freemasonry was a subsidiary of the English Freemasonry. But, in addition, and this seems more original, the correspondent explained that the “old destitute masons“They could live in comfort thanks to the fact that their brothers helped them, including their children. We don’t know if this was praise or criticism.
American Freemasonry was very political, that is, it was not content with humanitarian work, but was a means to make one’s way to high positions.
But what was important was to demonstrate that American Freemasonry was very political, that is, that it was not content with humanitarian work, but rather was a means to make one’s way to high positions, or was dedicated to attracting those who already occupied those positions. . He claimed that there were Freemasons who in just two months had reached all the degrees of their “sect.”
Although American Freemasonry defined itself as deist and many were even Christians, the “secret organization” was at that time setting persecutory objectives towards Catholicism.
To demonstrate this, he proposed what the two predecessors of Eisenhowerthat is to say, Roosevelt and Truman. The first had stood out for accepting distinctions from Catholic universities and was not afraid, no matter how Masonic he was, to maintain close relations with the Pope, but at the same time he did not want to clash with Masonic or Protestant interests, which were hostile. to Catholicism. And the problem, apparently, he solved without taking any false steps, as he also would have done Truman. But the specific means that these two presidents would have used were not explained. In any case, we sense that they would be caution, “duplicity,” diplomacy or other less orthodox means.
For the journalist, the American Freemason saw Catholicism as an adversary. Firstly, because there would be a kind of “coincidence of fields”, understood in the international dimension of both Freemasonry and Catholicism. But also because, and always according to the columnist, because of a kind of desire for resistance and even repugnance. Freemasonry (“Masonic Empire”) would not possess the peaceful and serene independence of the Catholic church. The North American Freemasons demanded a lot of money and at the same time slanderously accused the Church of favoring war between peoples out of ambition.
But, on the other hand, it reported that, throughout Europe, according to a supposed Masonic magazine, the influence of the Freemasons was receding. But North American Freemasonry did not want to help the European Freemasonry to reestablish its past political influence.
#North #American #Freemasons #Catholicism #Francoist #press