The note was released by the Vatican press office: how is the pontiff
The news came directly from the Vatican press office. Pope francesco he has the flu and for this reason all hearings scheduled for today have been cancelled. This would be a decision taken only as a precaution, the pontiff's health conditions would not be worrying.
Due to a mild flu, as a precaution, the Pope canceled all the hearings scheduled for today.
This is what we read in the note released by the Vatican Press Office. While, theAngelus scheduled for tomorrow, February 25th, is currently confirmed. This is because Pope Francis would only have mild symptoms, today's programs were canceled only in precautionary way and perhaps to avoid a worsening of his health.
Pope Francis often thinks about when his time will come
Despite his age, 87 years old, the pontiff is well and certainly has no intention of resigning. But he has never hidden, since he was elected, that he often thinks about when his time will come. In recent years, Pope Francis has undergone some delicate operations at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, he suffered respiratory problems and lower back pain, but his body emerged victorious. He has always said that for him the papacy is “A role for life”.

He has never hidden behind his physical and psychological health problems, because Father Francesco has repeatedly reiterated that “The Pope may be infallible in doctrinal matters, but he is a suffering human being”. And even when he is no longer here, he wants to leave a mark. She revealed it in a 'interview with journalist Valentina Alazaraki. His will be one different funeral service, simpler and shorter. Father's funeral usually lasts nine days.

We've simplified it a lot. It had to be done, I'll be the first to try it!
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