Spain can’t wait any longer to the premiere of the new Marvel movie, Captain America. This year’s proposal includes a coral cast starring Anthony Mackiewhich will give life to the main superhero, Danny Ramírezwho will play Falcon’s role, and Harrison Ford, which will interpret the ‘Red Hulk’. As a curious fact, this last actor recommended Ryan Gosling to visit this restaurant in Madrid and is one of Juan Carlos I.
Since little is missing for the movie to premiere, Ramírez and Mackie have been visiting Spain Recently on the occasion of the promotion of the feature film. Have offered interviews for media such as El Hormiguero or RTVE. This last chain has submerged in depth the Spanish cuisine, through One of the star breakfasts in the capital.
Anthony Mackie’s reaction after trying churros with chocolate
The RTVE team decided to take the two protagonists to a popular chocolate shop located near the Plaza Mayor in Madrid. It was there that they conducted the interview. The journalist asked them If the churros with chocolate had ever tried. Anthony Mackie replied saying that “No, what is that?”

Next, a waiter appears with a tray of churros and porras and a little chocolate. After trying it, the protagonists They didn’t say a wordbut for the expressions it was clear that they were fascinated before the taste.
Los Churros with Chocolate, the star breakfast of Madrid
It is true that chocolate churros are quite consumed throughout Spain, but in Madrid it is star breakfast. There are many specialized establishments, but the most famous is San Ginés chocolateone of the most popular premises in the capital and that every day receives numerous national and international tourists.
The origin of churros with chocolate
Although his fame resides in Madrid, it is said that its origin could be placed in other areas of the globe Like Mexico or Asia. In addition, according to the nineteenth century churrería on its website, “The first churrerías of those that are recorded in Spain date from the same nineteenth century In the province of Zaragoza. At that time they were popular at parties and verbenas for the poorest and rural population. ”
Did you know This curious most famous breakfast data on our borders And what has captured the attention of the next captain America? We are all ears …
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